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We set ourselves on fire

To keep others warm

Saying it's fine, but it makes us a liar

Your crude jokes at our expense,

Make our very existence a capital offense

But other's silence is the violence

That helps you wage war against us

The words that you scream

are the crimes that will go unpunished

Injecting poison into societies bloodstream

Your rage and bias is the sharpened sword

That you use to beat us with when you're bored

You use your prejudice as a walking stick

But it does not change the way of its nature

Because prejudice is a killer

It's the sledge hammer of hate,

That you attack us with because we can never be...

But just you wait

Someday, somewhere

We're gonna find ourselves

But not right now

A different kind of revolution

To escape this relentless persecution

Stay strong

Move on

Someday, I swear

We'll be written in books on those shelves

Even though I don't know how

Everything and What's InbetweenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora