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-3rd Person POV-

During break at school all your friends started arguing leaving you and Yuta the only ones not fighting. Of corse it was just verbal not physical. You hated when this happened, all you wanted to do was have a peaceful break before your next lesson because you had a terrible headache.

"Can you come with me to fill my water bottle up?" You asked looking at your boyfriend and he instantly nodded.

"We're going to fill my water bottle up" you said just letting them know.

"Yeah, just go do that, your useless" one of your friends said bitterly and angry at you because of the argument.

You were taken aback. Your smile faded and you and Yuta went to fill your water bottle up. While walking away, Yuta was death glaring at your friend who said that. 

"Y/N, your not useless at all, don't listen to them or think that alright?" He said and you nodded smiling slightly.

You filled your water bottle up and got two painkillers out the packet you carry around just in case and you took them. Once you drank them down you and Yuta headed to your next lesson which was 'Life Skills'. You really liked 'Life Skill' and you were sad that it was your last year of doing this lesson.

When you got up there, you and Yuta sat on the tables outside the room and talk quietly. From outside the building you could hear them all arguing still. When they walked up the stairs and waited there it was an uncomfortable silence.

You wanted to break the silence with something that was funny and the first thing that came into your head was...

"Are fish man made?" You asked and everyone looked at you weird.

"Yes/No" a few people said.

Then they started arguing over that. You sighed and the teacher came out and they all started saying there point of view.

"Yuta, my head hurts even more" you said leaning your head on his shoulder.

Your teacher told them all to go in and she came over to you and Yuta.

"What's wrong Y/N?" She asked.

"I've just got a really bad headache and with them arguing over everything is just making it worse" you sighed.

"Do you and Yuta want to go to a different room to work? There a free room over in the maths block I can book it now for you two" your teacher smiled softly and you nodded slightly.

She booked it on the computer and got your work for you both.

"Try and do as much as you can, it's alright if you don't complete it all" you smiled and thanked her.

Yuta carried the work and you both walked over to the maths block, up the stairs and in the first room on a new corridor.

You both sat down at the front corner of the classroom. Everything was much quieter which made you and your headache better. Yuta leaned over and kissed your forehead.

"I love you so much~" he smiled.

"I love you too~" you giggled and kissed his cheek.

Yuta helped you with all the work since your headache was still as bad but gradually getting better. You both finished half an hour until lessons were over so you both messed around gently so that your headache didn't get worse.


First Uploaded: 15/11/2018
Edited: 16/01/2019

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