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I walked into the Garrison's training room to see Krolia and Keith sparring hard. Keith went in for an attack, but Krolia kneed him in the stomach, and he fell to the floor. "Like I said before when you attack you leave yourself open." Krolia explained. "I think that's it for today." Krolia said. "But I'm still up for training." Keith protested as he stood up again. "Train by yourself and work on your techniques." Krolia replied and headed towards the door. "But this place doesn't have bots like the Castle of Lions or the Blades." Keith shouted after her, but she just walked out of the room.

"I'm surprised you still haven't noticed me." I called out. His head snapped towards, me and his eyes widened. "You can train with me!" He exclaimed. "I mean if you want too Pr- Allura." He added. "Well why do you think I came in here." I chuckled and stepped forward. "Hey Allura I've been wanting to try something new but I don't want anyone to know about it yet." Keith said. "What?" I asked. "Dual wielding, have you heard anything about it?" Keith replied. "Yeah want me to teach you some stuff?" I asked. "Yes, thank you Allura." He replied and I smiled.

~time skip~

"Alright that's perfect. I think having two swords has solved leaving yourself open because you're more conscious of what you're doing. I know I've been in here for hours and you've been here for longer but I think you finally ready to spar with me." I said. "Great." Keith replied. As we got into our positions the door opened. "Keith stop training and come eat so-" Lance started but stopped when he saw Keith holding both his blade and bayard. "Why are you holding two swords?" Lance asked. "Just deciding which one to use." Keith lied. "Oh Princess you're here too well it's time for dinner so you guys have to stop training." Lance said. "We'll be right out." I replied and he nodded before leaving.

"That was close." Keith said and I nodded in agreement. "But why don't you want anyone to know?" I asked and he sighed. "On Earth some people say it's just fiction and impossible to master. I once saw someone's friends turn on them because they wanted to try dual wielding. I honestly just want to see if I can even master it before I tell anyone. You saying some Alteans had mastered dual wielding gave me hope. Thank you Allura. (A/N: I'm really not sure about this whole dual wielding thing but I'm writing it like this.)" Keith explained. "It's nothing." I replied. "No really, thank you Allura." He said. "I should be thanking you, you've done so much for me." I replied. "You would've done the same for me." He replied with a chuckle. When I heard his laugh I couldn't help but smile. "Why are you smiling so much?" Keith questioned. "You barely ever smile or laugh, you should do it more often." I said.

Keith's POV

"No really, thank you Allura." I said with no other way to express with my gratitude at the moment. "I should be thanking you, you've done so much for me." Allura replied. "You would've done the same for me." I replied with a chuckle and Allura smiled more than usual. "Why are you smiling so much?" I questioned. "You barely ever smile or laugh, you should do it more often." Allura said and I blushed. Why am I blushing? There's no way, I can't possibly be- could I?

Thankfully Allura didn't seem to notice or she thought it just matched the rest of my flushed face. "Well we should wash up and head to dinner." I said after a while. "Yeah." Allura agreed and with that we walked out of the training room and parted ways to our own rooms. I took an extremely quick shower and headed off towards the dining area. I tried to enter unobtrusively but failed as everyone's heads snapped towards mine as soon as I walked through the door. I knew this would happen, this is why I avoided coming to dinner. Just because I'm the leader of Voltron doesn't mean I want everyone to crowd around me. I quickly made my way over to the team so no one else could talk to me. I let out a sigh of relief but it was too soon.

"Look who finally stepped up." A voice I was all to familiar with called out. "Griffin I've had enough of your shenanigans." I replied with a dangerously calm voice while turning around.   (A/N: I know in season 7 Griffin and Keith try to get along but this is different.) Huh, guess I still hold a grudge. "It's been about a year." Griffin smirked. "Well no for me it's been three, time passes faster in the quantum abyss." I corrected. My mom nudged me and I nodded subtly. Damn those visions, I hate making my mom sad. "Yeah right." He scoffed. "Well don't I look older than the rest of my team, well except for Shiro of course." I replied. "Hey speaking of time and stuff I know I'm not good with Earth time but isn't your 21st birthday coming up." Krolia interrupted. "Yes it's on the 23rd." Shiro answered for me and I sighed. Great now everyone knows when my birthday is. (A/N: It's known that at the end of season six Keith is 21 due to aging an extra two years. But in my story since it's an alternative storyline he's coming up to his 21st birthday which is on October 23rd. Since Allura's name and age is unknown I will be making it up {it is known that she is a teenager}. Let's say she's 19 and in Earth measurements her birthday is coming up on December 7th. Everyone ok with that?)

"Well even if it did take forever I finally know when your birthday is." Allura exclaimed. "It's not a big deal, I've never celebrated it before." I shrugged. "Good to know you know your worth." Griffin said. "Excuse me?" Shiro questioned and Griffin shrunk. "Don't forget your manners when speaking to higher up. He is the leader of Voltron the Defender of the Universe and Officer of the Blades which makes him a very high ranked official at the Garrison just like me." Shiro defended. I sighed not wanting to deal with all of this. "I honestly don't care but don't you think you can berate me." I said to Griffin. I turned back to see Allura smiling at me, I could tell she was about to jump in there but Shiro and I beat her to it. I gave a soft smile in return and when I looked at my mom she had a knowing smirk. My eyes widened and I tried to convey that what she thought wasn't true but it obviously was. She gave a chuckle and I just sighed.

"Nice to see you can defend yourself like that." Krolia said. "He used to do it with fists." Shiro sighed and I snickered. "Well personally I think fists are cooler." Krolia replied. "If you were a normal mom you wouldn't say that. But I'm glad you're not normal." I said and she smiled. "How are the Alteans doing?" I asked. "They're getting better, Coran and Romelle are with them right now." Pidge replied and I nodded. "Katie wanted to go too but I made sure she stayed here to eat." Lance added. "I swear you call me that just to annoy me." Pidge replied. "Nah I'm just finally enjoying getting to call you that, after all you used to punch me if I accidentally called you that." Lance explained. "I might just start doing that again." Pidge smirked. "You wouldn't dare!" Lance gasped and Hunk chuckled. I smiled at the playful banter while I worked on eating as fast as I could so I would be able to leave.

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