Sith Leia X Star Lord Naruto

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Naruto stared at the carnage before him. His best friend Han Solo lay dead at his feet. The wookie Chewbacca also dead. Luke Skywalker, captured and given to the dark lord of the sith Darth Vader who in turn was Luke's father. But what shocked him most was the death of his team, his friends, Gamora, Rocket, Drax, Groot and Mantis. The Guardians of the Galaxy, as they were called by the rebellion were dead. Killed by a lightsaber. Not just any, but the lightsaber of the woman he thought he loved, Princess Leia, the twin sister of Luke Skywalker and daughter of Darth Vader.

He activated his mask and used his rocket Boots to fly up into the atmosphere. Naruto looked down and saw Boba Fett close behind him. He pulled the blasters from off his thighs and fired down at the bounty hunter. The skilled bounty hunter dodged every shot and fired a small EMP blast at Star lord. Naruto's rocket boots short Circuited and he started falling.

Before he hit the ground, he was caught in the Air by Leia. He looked her in the eyes with fear. The fear she felt from him turned her on.

“Now my love. It wasn't very nice of you to leave.” She said with a Smirk on her face. Naruto glared back at her.

“You killed my family!” He yelled only to be hit with her force lightning. He screamed in pain much to her delight.

"I am the only family you need. You need no one else. I'll keep you safe. If you keep acting up, then I have to continue punishing you.” She said with a sickly sweet smile.

"How about we settle this with a dance battle?" He asked nervously. She smirked at the question.

"How about no." She said carrying him off to the shuttle. When they arrived to the new Death Star, She had him handcuffed and thrown into the same cell as Luke. Luke stared up at Naruto and sighed.

“I'm sorry. The force has failed us today.” Luke said with great sadness. Naruto looked down and sighed as well.

“Your sister is a psycho who is obsessed with me.” He replied. Luke laughed at thr Irony.

“You think she's bad. You should have seen what Mara Jade did to me when my father brought me to the Death Star. She put a collar on me and took me to this cell.” He said. Naruto paused for a split second.

“Why does that sound familiar?” He asked to himself.

                In another universe

“Achoo”. Esdeath sneezed before looking back down at her chained up Lover.

“I think someone's talking about you.” Naruto said trying to distract her. She growled in annoyance.

“It's probably Night Raid. I'm going to make them suffer for interrupting my Naru time.” She said getting up and leaving the room. When she left Naruto looked around and sighed.

“Well I'm going to be chained her for a while.” He said closing his eyes to sleep, ignoring the sounds of Chaos outside.

                      Back to story

Naruto looked around the cell for an escape route. As he stood up, the cell door opened and in walked Mara Jade and Leia. He backed against the wall.

“Luke. Time to play.” Mara jade said as she put a collar on him and walked him to her room. Leia picked Naruto up with the force and carried him to her room.

“I think it's time for you to make this princess a queen by giving me heirs.“ She said as she as the dorrs closed behind her. All the Stormtroopers and even Darth Vader himself cringed at the combined screams of Naruto and  Luke.

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