Yandere Lucy

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Demon talk

Naruto was running for his life as fast as he could. He did not stop, nor did he look back. He heard the screams of his friends and slicing of limbs.

Naruto: How could this have happened. Nyu was such a sweet girl.

He continued to run not wanting to look back. Not wanting to see that terrifying blood covered face.


Naruto was walking along one of the lakes is konohas forest. Needing to get away from training, his friends and most of all that pink haired bitch Sakura. As he continued down the path, he saw a naked hot pink haired girl with what looked like cat ear horns on her head around his age lying on the ground unconscious with blood leaking out.

Naruto: I need to help her. I'll take her home. It's a good thing Granny taught me all that medical Ninjutsu.

Naruto took off his jacket and wrapped it around her unconscious form. He then picked her up and held her in his arms as he ran towarda his apartment. When he arrived he placed her on his bed and wrapped her in blankets as he felt her skin was cold. He put warm water in a bowl and placed a towel inside.

Naruto: Man she's really pretty. I wonder what your name is miss. Mines Naruto Uzumaki.

After he wiped her head if blood. The girls eyes opened and locked with Naruto.

Nyu: Nyu Nyu.
(It seems pointless but its for story.)

Naruto: Huh. Your names Nyu?

Nyu: Nyuuu.

He quickly realised that was all she could say. It had took him a week to nurse the poor girl back to full health. He then started to help her speak and grew close to her. He even started taking D rank missions so he wouldn't leave her alone.

A week after Naruto stopoed showing up for team training. Sakura rallied Ino, Kiba, Lee and Hinata. No one else wanted to help Sakura with her stupid quest. When they arrived at Naruto's apartment, Sakura punched the door down scarikng Nyu and making Naruto reverse grip two Kunais. He then heard a cry and turned around. He saw Nyu on the ground with her eyes closed and a huge chunk of the door past her head. His eyes turned red as orange chakra started leaking from his body. He turned and saw Sakura in the door frame Frozen. He went to attack when he felt one of the most terrifying Killer intents he has evrr felt. He turned and saw Nyu standing with her face down. The usually adorable Girl looked like the a typical killer. As
Sakura was about to berate Naruto for trying to attack her, her arm fell of from the elbow. She started to scream as Ino and Hinata went on the defence. Now Lee Being the smartest one there, left to go home.

Naruto: What's happening?

Naruto turned to look at Sakura then to Nyu who smiled at him.

Nyu: Don't worry my love. Let me kill these cunts and then no one can take you from me.

With that said Naruto bolted out the door and left the apartment complex hearing screams.

Flashback end.

Naruto: She must have killed everyone in the building.

Naruto was then hoisted off the ground and held in the air. He looked down and saw Nyu standing below him. Tears were now flowing from Naruto's eyes.

Naruto: Nyu why are you doing this?

Lucy: Nyu is just one personality in this body. I am Lucy. As to why, isn't it obvious. We love you.

She then used her vectors to knock Naruto unconcious and carried him off to one of her safe houses.

Lucy: We will be the perfect family my husband. And we will repopulate the Earth with diclonius.

They both disappeared into the forest of death to never be found.

Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I had a bad case pf writer's block. But now I'm back. If there is any characters you want to see next. Let me know. Peace out.

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