Captain America and Iron Woman

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Both Spiderman and Scarlet Spider were swing around new york city. Spiderman was in hells kitchen chacing after Wilson Fisks men, while Scarlet Spider was in Central park just relaxing.

He layed his head back when his phone started to ring. He pulled it out and saw his brothers face on it. He answered the phone with a smirk on his face.

"Hello my dearest brother. How goes your latest battle." He said in a mock Thor voice. There was a laugh on the other end.

"All goes well brother dearest. But onto a serious matter. You need to be careful. The avengers are hunting us Naruto. They sent the Hulk (fem Bruce banner) and Thor (fem Thor, still Odinson) after me." He said a little worried.

"Wait if those two are afeter you. Whose after me?" He asked. Peter then answered with a little fear in his voice.

"Captain America and Iron Woman are after you. And the worst part. Iron woman knows who both of us are outside our spider personas." He said.

Before Naruto could say more, his spider sense went off and he jumped into the air and spun his body dodging the Shield of Captain America. Before he could land a blast from a repulser hit him in the back sending the spider themed hero into a tree. He blue hoddie was now scortched. He turned around and saw Iron woman aka Tori Stark and Captain America aka Stephanie Rogers walk towards him. Cap was the first to speak.

"Naruto Parker. Adopted son of Richard and Mary Parker. The Scarlet Spider. Shield has ordered us to bring in both you and your brother and have you become a part of the Avengers." She said in her leader voice. Naruto brought the phone back up to his ear.

"Hey Pete. Imma have to call you back. Cap and Stark are here." He said.

"No problem. Thor and Bryce Banner just landed infront of me. I'll lead them to central park. They cant take us at the same time." He said hanging up. Naruto put his cell back into his pocket and looked towards the waiting woman. He sighed and pulled off his mask showing off his blond hair and whisker like birth marks.

"So whats the deal. Old One Eye Fury command you to capture us. Or was it old JJ with his Spiderman and Scarlet Spider are both a menace?" He asked as he back flipped onto a tree.

"Well if you must know. It was vote the avengers had. We don't have enough men on the team. The only men being Hawkeye, Vision and Antman. Plus when Fury gave us your files. Your looks, history and poweres made the cut and for Banner and myself, your brains were the icing on this cake." She said with a no it all attitude.

Naruto sighed and put back on his mask.He then shot a web at Tori's mask and jumped away, using the trees as a wall for his webs to swing on. He looked behind and saw Cap gaining on him by just running. She threw her shield at spiderman hoping to cut the line, only for him to let goof the webline. Use both his hands to web the shield spin his body and throw the shield back at Captain Americas chest making her fall onto her back. As he landed on a tree branch.

"How did you like that?" He asked miss America herself. She smirked at him.

"It was a good distraction." She said as a red peice of metal landed on his back. It then formed a metal cacoon around him. Naruto tried with all his might to break it.

"You cant break in. Reed Richard and Susan Storm helped me make it. That is the combination of Nano Tech and Adamantium. You know that metal that Logans skeletal structure is covered in. Its impossible to break." She said. He then heard a thud and a loud crash. He looked down and saw Peter in the same casing. Next to Cap and Stark were Hulk and Thor.

"Shit. We're screwed." Peter said as Hulk picked him up. She was blushing up a storm. Naruto sighed as both he and Peter were let out of the metal shells and handcuffed by Tori. They were then both taken back to Avengers tower and tied down to beds in seperate rooms. Naruto actually felt bad for Peter. Both a goddess and a Raging green monster. Especially when he heard Hulk yell smash.

He then heard the room open and in came Stephanie and Tori in all their naked glori. He frowned and closed his eyes. He hit the back of his head against the bed frame and he said the first thing that came to mind.

"Oh fuck my life."

Done. I got this idea from the Fem Iron man dating Captain America comic. As for The hulks name. I got that from the dark Knights drwoned comic with the female batman turned evil aquaman. I hope you enjoy. Next is Naruto x yandere sith Princess Leia

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