Jealousy ~PT.2

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You have a brother in this chapter so (B/N) means Brother's Name

~At home~ 

You were laying in your bed, still thinking about what happened at lunch, you were getting stressed so you decided to go to your favorite cafe. "Hey, (B/N). I'm going out to the cafe" it was quiet but you heard him say "Okay". You grabbed your purse and left. You took out your phone and scrolled through Facebook. A sigh escaped from you, when you saw that they were closed due to renovations. "Oi, (Y/N)!" You heard a familiar voice calling out your name, it was the idiot, Nendo, but with Kaidou and Saiki. "Hey, what're you guys doing?" you said, trying to sound amused. "Nendo once again found a 'great' ramen restaurant, what about you?"Kaidou said, looking at the cafe behind me. "I was going to treat myself with some sweets but they're closed" You replied, sounding disappointed. You felt Saiki disappointed too, in the mood for coffee jelly. luckily you went to the convenient store before you came here(i didn't want to write all of that sorry), you pulled out a case of coffee jello and handed it to Saiki, without hesitation he took it, eating it with his enjoyed expression. You giggled a little at the sight, thinking it was cute. "Do you guys mind if i tag along? I have nothing to do today." You asked, looking at Nendo than at Kaidou. "We don't mind at all, come on (Y/N)." Nendo said, you smiled. 

You were walking alongside Saiki, because Nendo and Kaidou were walking too fast. Curse your short legs. 'Thanks for the coffee jelly.' you heard Saiki said, without looking up from his coffee jelly. 'No problem, i could make them sometime if you'd like.' you said, using telepathy. He looked up with widened eyes and a soft smiled. 'Your a goddess.' He said, looking back down at his coffee jelly, enjoying every bite. You blushed a little at the sudden comment but you smiled, laughing a little.  

~Ramen Restaurant~ 

You, Saiki, Kaidou, and Nendo, arrived at the ramen restaurant and it looked like it was about to fall apart and second. 'How does Nendo see good ramen in this dump?!' Kaidou thought, '(Y/N), shouldn't eat here!' You smiled softly at Kaidou as he thought that. "Nendo! Don't tell me this dump is the place!" Kaidou said, arguing with Nendo. While you did that you looked at Saiki, he was still eating his coffee jelly(He savored every moment, lol)"Enjoying it?" you said, Saiki nodded. 'I'm in the mood for ice cream' you thought, you've forgotten that you and Saiki were using telepathy. "Hey guys, want to go get ice cream instead?" you asked, hoping they would agree with the idea, Kaidou agreed but Nendo just kept talking about the ramen restaurant. "I heard they're selling ramen ice cream." you teased Nendo, who agreed a second after you said it. 

They're was a playground across the ice cream shop so you and Saiki went over to it and sat on the swings with your ice cream. Nendo and Kaidou came over, Kaidou had chocolate and Nendo had...? What is that..? "Hey, Nendo. What flavor did you get?" you asked looking at what looked like a ball of snow with worms sticking out of it. "It's ramen ice cream." He said, a sweat dropped from your forehead. 'They actually have ramen ice cream?!'  you were somewhat worried for what it tastes like but you chose to ignore it. Nendo and Kaidou played after their ice cream while you and Saiki moved to a bench, trying not to draw attention to our self's. 'Hey Saiki, were you spying on me and Saiko when he asked me out?' you asked, watching Nendo and Kaidou. You felt Saiki look at you, which you looked back. 'Yeah, how'd you know?' he asked. To be honest, you didn't know, you just felt that he wasn't telling the truth. 'A guess? What did you do when i left?' I asked him, which he looked away, a light blush appeared on his cheeks. 'Don't you know that too?' you had a lump in your throat that couldn't go away. 'Were you..j-jealous?' you asked, he nodded he still kept looking the other way. It was silent for a while. You loved him but you knew he would reject your feelings so you kept it to yourself, but you thought that it was time. 

'Saiki, I like you'  he looked at you with a surprised look, you blushed a lot when you said that. Looking away in the other direction, clenching your fists, ready for rejection. '(Y/N)..' you felt his hand on your's, you looked at him which he was only inches away from your face. He placed a hand on your cheek, tears started to fall for some reason, out of happiness? or maybe sadness? For a split second you felt a peck on your lips, your face heating up. He looked at you with a gentle smiled, he was blushing too. He said something, which rang through your head a couple of times. "Oi! (Y/N)! Saiki! come on were leaving." Nendo shouted out to both of you. Both you and Saiki stood up and started walking with them. Soon it was time to split ways, you said goodbye to Saiki, Nendo, and Kaidou, walking in the way in your direction of you house. Thinking of what Saiki said back at the park. 

"I love you, (Y/N)."

A/N: WELP THATS THE END OF THIS CHAPTER, I was so excited to write the last line for some reason. i thought it was gonna turn out to be all shivers but i guess not. Anyways thanks for reading this chapter. Time for some ideas, AND should i try to write these long stories in the future? 


Words: 977

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