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Just gonna say part 1 of i decide to make a part 2!~ 

You felt something smack against your head, you looked up to see the teacher standing above you. "How many times do i have to tell you?! NO SLEEPING IN CLASS." her voice echoed through your head, making it pound. 'Well i'm sorry that your class is so boring' you thought. Something was thrown at your head while you were trying to rest again, you annoyingly looked at the person who thrown it and it was no other than the sadistic bitch Saiko. You picked up the piece of paper that was thrown at you and opened it, 'Meet me on the roof -Saiko' you sighed and thought that it would be best to play along. 


You went up to the roof like you were instructed to do, by none other than Saiko. You didn't want to go but thought it'd be best if you went. Saiko was leaning against the rails, with crossed arms and a little tint of red plastered on his face. "Saiko, are you okay? you seem a little red?" not giving a damn, you asked pretending to 'care'. "(Y/N), go out with me" He said bluntly, but still blushing. This sentence made you blush just a little too, "Saiko-" you were cut off, "You could have all the money in the world! all the clothes! anything that you want!" he said, he wasn't very sane about this. "Anything that you desire, as long as you let me have your..-'' now it was his turn to be cut off.

"So...let me get this straight," you started, "your only going to go out with me for my body?" you said, sounding offended. 'So he is a sadistic bitch after all'. "Correct! so what do you say?" he said, pulling out a load of cash bundled together, you walked up to him, and slapped him. "You sadistic bitch! you don't go out with girls only because of their body!" You said taking the money out of his hand and putting it in your pocket. "You don't need this." and with that you left. Leaving him shocked.

When you got back to your classroom, to find that Saiki isn't there. You were going to tell him what happened but thought that he heard it since he could read minds, except for your's. 

~Saiki's POV~

(Y/N) left so I walked out and faced Saiko. He was still pretty shocked about what happened. "Oh, Saiki. Did you hear us?" he asked. 'Of course i heard it, how could i not when you were being so god damn loud?'. I simply nodded, getting closer to him with every step. Finally I reached him and held onto his collar, I was angered, but why? Why am i feeling like this about someone i don't even care about? Okay that was a bit harsh but still. Why? I punched him, which was very unlike me. I let go of his collar, he fell down, he seemed terrified. I bent down, facing him. "Don't even lay a finger on (Y/N), and forget this ever happened." I said, he nodded, I left and went back to the class to find (Y/N). 

~Your POV~ 

You saw Saiki standing in front of the door and waved at him, smiling brightly. "Saiki, where did you go?" you asked, pulling your desk together with his. 'To the restroom' he lied, he didn't want you to know how he felt towards you. You sighed, leaning your head back, closing your eyes to rest them. 

Saiko entered the classroom, acting like everything was fine but his mind is saying otherwise(you can read minds in this chapter)'What the hell is wrong with her?! not wanting to be with me! I'll show her, she'll pay' great, how annoying. Saiki also heard it and looked over at you with a 'Are you okay?' look. You knew he was concerned for you, so you nodded, saying everything was alright. 

A/N: Alright, another snow day so why not wright a story that i might make a part 2. I think i did well, since i can't really write long stories, i think this one is pretty well. Thanks for reading it, and if you enjoyed it Thank you. 


Words: 717

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