"Can you stand?" Liam asked as though I hadn't spoke. Completely disregarding my protests, he hooked his arms around my waist and pulled me to my feet, steadying me as I swayed in his arms.

"Liam," I gritted through my teeth while he dragged me towards the small steel bed and dumped me down on to the springy mattress.

"Sorry, it will heal tonight," he assured me but I shook my head.

"No moonlight. I'm human down here so I won't heal until we get out." I sighed and his expression turned a lot more grim.

"Shit..." His eyes scanned the room, taking in every detail and I could see his brain spiralling, trying to figure a way out. Suddenly they snapped back to me and I met his crystal orbs with my own. "Do you have your phone?"

I nodded slightly and moved forwards to pull my arm around to my back pocket when Liam grabbed it and held me in place while his other hand delve into my jean pocket. "Don't ever tell Zach I got this close to your ass." He laughed, pulling my phone out.

I let out a small laugh and then winced at the pain it caused, desperately trying not to show Liam how much pain I was in.

I snapped my head to him when I heard him curse under his breath. "What?"

"No signal," he huffed, running a hand through his hair just like Zach did when he was frustrated.

"What about at the top of the stairs?"

His face lit up as he spun to run up the stairs, ducking when he neared the top so he didn't hit his head. "You are a genius!" He grinned back at me and my heart hurt slightly as it reminded me of Zach.

I had no clue what had even happened to them. Had they been taken? Were they even alive? The thought of their bodies in a ditch somewhere sent sick rising in the back of my throat and tears to my eyes.

"Zach?" I heard him call and snapped back to watch the genuine warm smile that sprawled over his face.

"Liam?" I heard his voice and a breath of relief flew out of my lips. He was alive and right now that was enough. "Where the hell are you? Are you ok?" He asked.

"I'm fine, I am in some cell underground." Liam grumbled agitatedly.

"Where's Ella?" Zach growled and hearing him say my name again sent tingles over my skin. I missed him already.

"She is with me," Liam replied instantly.

"Put her on the phone." It wasn't a request. I couldn't help the chuckle that tumbled from my throat at his threatening demand.

"She um..." Liam sent me an apprehensive glance and then turned back to the phone. "She can't."

"Why?" His voice was stronger and more powerful than Liams and sent shudders through me. He sounded so furious that even I had nerves bubbling up in my stomach.

"She uh... she is kind of injured," Liam mumbled and cringed as a yell came crackling through the phone.

"Is she ok! What the hell happened?" Zach roared.

"She was stabbed and well... she would be ok..," he drifted off.

"But?" Zach snapped.

"But we are underground... and human."

"Shit!" Zach cursed and I couldn't stop my eyes from rolling.

"Zach!" I called over to the phone. "I'm fine, are you all ok?"

"Sweetheart we are all fine, we woke up still in the creek, it was just you two who were gone." He snarled at the memory and I missed being capable of snarling.

"Think you can come and get us before I die of blood loss?" I asked him amusedly despite the fact there was a high risk of that actually happening.

"I'll try baby." His volume decreased and I could hear the fear in his tone. I hated that, he was always so strong and so dependable, hearing him weak and scared had me feeling nauseous.

"Take your time but there is only one bed so in the meantime I will be sleeping with your brother!" I yelled and a deep, husky growl echoed through the phone, making me bite my lip to suppress my laugh.

"I will be there as fast as I can," he barked. "I love you."

"I love you too," I called before sinking into the bed to close my eyes for a while as the room started to dim and swirl.


Hey guysss!!!
I'm sorry its a day late, we are experiencing 2 days of amazing weather here in England so I was making the most of it before the rain made an appearance.

So Ella is in trouble again, hopefully Zach will manage to save her in time!

Please please vote and comment! I love reading through them and know I don't often reply but I promise I do read them all! X

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