So close...

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Ray kept crying while me and Zach comfort her "it's okay.." and Zach stood up and looked at us "are you going to keep babying her?" He asked and he was right we have to leave so I stood up "come on Ray.." I helped her up and she said sorry to us so she told us to rest a little while she looked for the exit and we agreed so let her look around on her floor after all.
"Man you treat her like your own you think you'll be mentally okay when I kill her?" He asked and I wasn't sure if I was or not "I don't know but at least I have you" I said proudly and he came up to me and hugged me "last time you hugged me you asked me not let you kill me and Ray" I whispered and he groaned in annoyance "yeah well I'm not now am I?" I smiled at this, it was safe and warm I loved it "will you come with me when we leave?" He asked but his voice shakes at that "of course I would" I whispered to him and he hugged me tighter.
He backed away from the hug and press his lips to mine, it was passionate and tender it was amazing like a dream I never want to wake up from and we pulled away "I love you..." he whispered while he put his forehead to mine "I love you too.." I whispered back while I closed my eyes and smile "uh guys...?" We heard Ray and we panicked and backed away as we apologize acting like that was an accident "uh I know where we need to go we have to go up one floor" she eyed us like we were kids finding feelings I chuckle awkwardly and we left Rays floor "want to say bye?" Zach asked and Ray looked at her dead parents "bye bye" she whispered and left "hey did you not notice that Danny was gone" Ray said and we stopped and looked back and she was right he was gone "the fuck why can't he stay dead!" I cursed and the elevator dinged and Zach put me and Ray behind him as he was ready to attack anyone who came out.
But no one it was in there... we sighed and walked in "a pool of blood tho..." Ray said and we agreed with her so we went up to Grays floor.
We came up and we looked around "so where do we go?" I asked Ray and she looked at the stain glass behind the piano "we have to move that piano" me and Zach nodded we got on each side and lifted the piano with all our might "goddamn" I struggled with this thing but we moved it out of the way and Ray asked me to break the glass so I got my katana out and I hit the glass and it shattered.. "this is our exit" and we saw a thing of stairs...
We walked up the stairs but Ray tripped we stopped to make sure she was okay "I'm fine let's keep going" she dust herself off but Zach went down to her "take this" he gave her his knife "I I thank you Zach" he nodded and we kept walking up these stairs.
When we heard that we all looked at each and we sprinted for it "shit think that was Danny?" I asked "I'm pretty sure" Ray said but we kept running and we bumped into iron bars blocking our path out "NO FUCK!" I yelled and I kicked the bars then the fire surrounded us and Zach started to freak out and fell down the bars "I don't wanna buen alive" he mumbled I checked on him..he was out of it "Zach! Come on it's okay we can make" but he kept shaking his head I sighed got up so I pulled out my katana and hit the bars while Ray did the same with Zach's knife.
Zach took notice and he stood up "get out of the way" so we did and he destroyed the bars enough for us to fit through "let's go!" I yelled and we sprinted for it "so close so close" we kept running no stopping us till we met a bolder and Zach looked at it determined "give me the word and I'll smash into pieces" he asked and me and Ray looked at each other and nodded "Do it Zach!" We yelled and he smashed it but his scythe broke in the process "oh well" and he threw it out, I felt bad but shone it off and we kept going.
We stopped at the doors "WE DID IT!" I yelled in joy and I hugged Zach and Ray "we did it.." I smiled but then before I knew it Ray got in front of us "Zach will you still kill me when we leave?" she asked him "I don't do things that I don't want to do so yeah I will I gave you that knife to keep yourself alive for me to kill you" he claimed proudly she smiled actually smile. I hugged her then "N/n..." she whispered and I backed out of the hug and saw blood on her stomach "RAY!" I yelled and laid her down I stayed in front of her "Ray stay with me baby please stay it's okay" I whispered while trying to stop the bleeding the I felt a sharp pain in my arm "back away from her y/n" I heard a familiar voice but I didn't listen because she's like my child I have to stop the bleeding "shit shit" I took off my tank top and tied it around her stomach then I felt another sharp pain in my shoulder "shit!" and Zach came to check on me but he got shot to in his shoulder and stopped "BACK AWAY FROM RACHEL!" Danny yelled and I still didn't listen I pulled her onto my lap "it's okay it's going to be okay I promise" I whispered to her and cupped her cheek while she looked at me I saw her tears go down her face then Zach got close again and got shot in the leg but he ignored it "it's okay it's okay" she said "don't make me liar Ray" Zach begged but she looked at him "it's okay Zach I won't let you be a liar I let our promise be with me so you won't be a liar" she whispered "I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING!" we heard Danny yell " And Zach gave you a knife which is garbage" he yelled" I didn't want all those things but I was okay with Zach's gift "ugh Rachel..." he cried and covered his face and shot Ray one more time and he was going to it again I covered Ray "STOP IT!" then Danny got shot and we looked up and saw Gray "get out of here!" He yelled "but she's dead she lost to much blood" Zach yelled "Rachel Gardener is alive!" "Get outside and they will be help for her" he yelled I looked at Danny and took my katana threw it at his stomach "that's for Ray fucker!" I picked her up and ran with Zach while he limped "were gonna make it don't worry Ray just hang on.." I whispered to her and we made it out the doors and we were outside "we we did it but where's the help.." I asked then we heard sirens "shit" I heard Zach he's going to get arrested no "let's go we can run for it" "no you two will get treated if stay plus get you wounds fixed and save Ray" the we saw the cops and ambulance "leave the girls slowly..." he looked at me and I put Ray down while he kissed me on the forehead "leave the girls slowly!" The cop yelled and Zach put his hands up and walk to them slowly and they charged at him I wanted to cry and the nurses came and put Ray on a hospital bed me as well "don't worry it will be okay" is what I heard but the world went dark "I love you" I mumbled and dark slumber took me away.
'We were so close...'

Angel Feather (a Zack X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now