Let me help instead

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So hey guys real quick just wanted to say hi! And enjoy.

Your POV
I was on my floor just laying on the ground in this building.
The ground was cold and my mind is twisting itself together with my thoughts.
About 4 hours later the intercom came up and said
"The sacrifice is coming, be ready and prepare carefully."(I couldn't remember what it said? I'll fix it later)
I pulled myself up and look at my floors elevator just waiting for them to come down, I walked over to my room on my floor and got changed into skinny dark jeans and a F/c tank top then to finish it black combat boots and also my
katana with F/C handle.
I smile at my weapon some more blood doesn't hurt anyone I laugh maniacally at this joy man this will be fun.

Rachel's POV
I heard the intercom say something and I'm guessing this isn't safe but soon I'll find out. I walked into the elevator and it goes down to B7 but just one floor at a time this will take forever, hopefully, mom made dinner.
The elevator stopped and I walked off and this floor had an ominous feeling but I kept walking through to find the other elevator.

Your POV
I looked at her and her flowing blonde hair and her blue eyes she looked like my little sister the urge to kill anyone was fading slowly and I gave in so I got out of my place and walked up to her and take out my katana "beg for your life give your last breath of hope to your god!" I asked her darkly "no don't please I'm looking for my mommy and daddy please don't" she pleaded and he blue orbs looked at me but not my E/C eyes into my heart.
I closed my eyes ' I can't do it I can't agh!' I rise my katana and sheath it
"how about I help you instead?" I asked while putting my hand out to her and she looked at me and smiled and took my hand "yes thank you so much in what's your name?" she asked so kindly "my name is Y/N but call me N/N" she nodded at me with such a lovely smile "I'm Rachel but call me Ray" I nodded and took her hand as I showed her to my floors elevator 'I can only help her here at this floor everyone else has it placed somewhere else' I took to my elevator and we got on it.
We sat down and waited for the next floor "why are your arms bandaged?" Ray asked curiously "well that's a story a bit too personal for now" she nodded "I'm sorry" but I smiled "its okay" and then the elevator dinged so I sighed and got up and helped Ray up "lets us get going" she nodded and we walked through.
It looked like we were outside "um did we get out already?!" Ray shouted "I have no idea" I claimed.
We kept walking through and it felt ominous and cold too. "look there's a bird it needs help to get down!" she pleaded to help the poor bird on the roof I sighed and gave her a boost up "come here it will be okay" she whispered sweetly to the bird and it jumped in her hands then I plopped her down on the ground her and she smiled at me "thank you" then she grabbed needle and thread from her little bag then uh started sewing the birds cut in its wing back together with the thread. " I did it N/n it's gonna be okay right" I nodded in agreement with her she smiled but the bird jumped out of hands and hopped off "oh no come back " Ray pushed pass me and chased after it "Ray don't ugh be careful!" I yelled at her "it's okay don't worry we can leave together" she said calmly and kneeled down to the hurt bird then before I knew the wall slashed open "Ray!" I grabbed her and held her close to me and I heard the crazy ass laugh "hahahahah I'm going to kill you both I'll give you..." but he stopped and looked at me his yellow orbs stared at me, I pushed Ray behind me and pulled out my katana "I'll give you 6 seconds to run" he said aloud and put his Scythe behind his neck I was confused and put my katana away and grabbed Ray's hand and ran "1....2....3....4...5.....6" and then I heard the laugh again its so bloodthirsty. We ran into this kitchen looking thing and ran into the other room and I put Ray in a box while I hid in the closet. I steady my breathing and I heard the door break open "where are you bitches at?" he said annoyed "are you in here" he raised his scythe and slashed the box and I looked at him holding my katana close...
"damn must not be here then" he scoffed and ran off to other room.
I got out and looked around the make sure it's okay "okay Ray come on" I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the other room that he foolishly locked and the switch for the elevator was there so I turned it on and we both ran out but then I knew it "there you are I was looking for you bitches!" and jumped down I looked at him his yellow and brown eyes and his brownish hoodie stained with blood I look him up and down but my expression soften so I put my hand out "how about we leave you don't seem happy to be here at all come with us and we can leave then go our separate ways?" I asked him nicely and his expression softened but he glared at me I sighed and I grabbed Ray's hand and we ran for it "get back here!" He boomed in anger.
We ran to the elevator and got in but I kept pushing the up button a thousand time till it closed and we heard a loud bang on the elevator shutters "that was too close" I breathed with relief when I thought of it he looked at me weird and I felt weird when he looked at me like that....whoa calm down Y/N its just maybe the moment... I think so at least..that guy he wow he was cute but he looked sad or at least bored I'm glad I offered but sadly he didn't take it...poor guy...

Angel Feather (a Zack X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now