Ray whats with you...?

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I woke up to Ray looking at us with sorrow it she looked human for once "what's wrong?" I grumbled "I didn't get the medicine I couldn't find and here's your knife.." she handed me my knife and I looked at it some good memories and some bad ones I look at n/n she moves slightly so peacefully I look at Ray "i think we will walk a bit so let's go hm?" And Ray nodded I look at N/n and shook her a little "wake up" but nothing but she fell limp "n/n!" I cried and I check her pulse she's breathing thank god "Zach haven't you seen the pool of the blood...she's losing a lot of blood" I was shocked and I looked at her ankle and my cloth was was soaked with blood "shit!" I cried and I stared at her oh gosh I stood up and looked at my scythe and her weapon "Ray carry her katana I got my knife and scythe " I picked up n/n and dragged my scythe "hang in there" it's good she was light...."Will she be okay?" Ray asked and I nodded didn't even want to think about if she died.
We walked threw this hallway and I heard hissing damnit snakes "Ray run!" I yelled I did my best to run with n/n but I tripped on a snake "n/n!" I dropped her and I pulled out my knife and stab every snake "Zach!" I heard a familiar scream "Y/n Run!" She tried to she fell down "fuck!" She hissed un pain "damnit!" I picked her up by her waist and ran "Zach here this door is open!" Ray yelled and we ran there but I saw the big white snake go through a hole and it was attack Ray "sorry n/n this will hurt" "I threw n/n with all my might go Ray and sliced the snake with my scythe and fall down "shit that hurt..." I hissed and n/n came up to my "you okay?" N/n asked worried look I her e/c orbs "are you okay?" She nodded and I stood up "be careful that took a lot out of me" I said and I picked n/n up and continue dragging my scythe "we can't keep going Zach I'm tired..." N/n dug her head in my chest and she had her hand on my shoulder and it slipped down on her chest "hang in there.." I whispered she must have slipped into slumber again "we need to stop" we stopped in a huge hallway with pillars and stained glass.
I laid n/n down and I say next to her and put her head on my chest to sleep comfortable "Doctor Danny had medicine on him he mentioned that while he walked passed us" the Ray looked at me shocked "where?!" I shrugged "I'll follow his blood trail" Ray started to run off but I grabbed her hand "your gonna get yourself killed!" I yelled at her and she sighed "I have to or else n/n and you will die!" She argued "ugh you can't defend yourself!" I told her "I have a gun" she pleaded "oh yeah give it here" I watched her have doubt in her eyes and she gave it to me then I checked it but it was empty no ammo "no ammo" I growled but she was right I took out my knife "here get some medicine to help n/n this will help you like it helped me" I gave it to her and she nodded and ran off.

I watched n/n breath steady but she gasped and sprung up "don't do it please I didn't do anything please please!" She cried and she was crying "please don't I'm sorry I'm sorry agh!" She cried and I pulled her down and held her close "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" she cried and I hush her trying to comfort her and she looked up at me and her eyes were red and puffy "it's okay n/n" and I comfort her some more and soon she fell asleep in my chest and I fell asleep as well...hurry Ray please.
I woke up so warm the wall was warm but it can't be warm?
I opened my eyes slightly and saw Zach's chest and I blush lightly "Zach?" I whispered "hm..?" He groaned "you doing okay?" He asked tiredly "I'm doing okay just really tired" I mumbled.
I got off his chest and looked around "where are we...?" This place looked different then where we were it was much bigger "we walked a bit but you were out so I carried you mostly you woke up in middle of it" he said then I remember the snakes "snakes!" I shrieked and he pat my head " their dead so no worries I nodded then we heard Ray "I got it I'm coming Zach!" Ray wailed she came up to me and looked at me shocked "your okay!" She yelled and hugged me "ow carefully kiddo" I whispered and she stopped hugging me "I gotta treat you now" then I wide eye her "I can do it no need" then Zach shot me glare "so it Ray" I sighed and sat back on the wall while she fixed and clean my wounds "ow!" I cried this hurt so bad then I felt a hand hold my "just squeeze my hand if it hurts" Zach said and I smiled at him while squeezing his hand with our fingers intertwined.
"Ah fuck that hurt like a bitch!" I cursed when Ray was done giving me stitches "now Zach" she said and looked at him he shook his head "oh no I'll do it!" He whines and I shot him a glare and he sighed and held my hand "this will hurt"...he mumbled and Ray went to work while he was cursing every word and every time she stitched "why do this Ray?" He asked "because Zach...." she stopped and looked at him "your my god" then she looked down using his knife to finishing stitching "this cuts like a dream" I looked at her "Ray are you serious?" And she nodded at me "well let's get going" Zach stood up and I stood up as well "let's go and ditch this dump!" I yelled and Zach agreed with me.
We walked into a chapel as we stared "Gray was here" I mumbled but no one heard me.
We walked through this and went downstairs and saw the elevator "alright were so close" Zach yelled in joy we nodded and went into the elevator we all sat down and breath a bit "doing okay?" Ray asked us "still hurt but I'm okay for the most part" Zach and I nodded to what he said.
The elevator dinged for the last room hopefully.
"It looks like a house" Zach said then we walked to the living room and Ray went crazy "don't go in there N/n" he cried "don't go in that room" she cried but we didn't listen and we went in and saw two people sewed together "that's sick!" I hurled seeing them not really but that was sick "ugh who do that!" Then Ray put her hands together and looked at Zach "kill me now please kill me!" She pleaded and we had no idea what was going on "hey the deal was till we get out!" Zach yelled and then Ray fainted "Ray!" I ran to her and caught her in time "Ray baby wake up please" I cried then Zach heard something then he walked out to see what was going on and I stayed with Ray "wake up" I whispered then the door slammed shut.
I put Ray down and went to door and Doctor Danny was there "hey four eye bastered don't come near me" I pulled out my katana and ready myself but he pulled out a gun "don't bring a sword to a gun fight!" He yelled and shot my katana out of my hand "now pick up your weapon and put it away then walk away from Rachel" He commended me but I couldn't I just couldn't "hey you asshole let them go!" Zach yelled while banging the door and kicking it, I looked at Ray "I will be back" I whispered and grabbed my katana and put it away slowly and walked away from her "tell Zach to back away from the door" I nodded "Zach back up from the door and don't do anything" I yelled "ugh why!" He cried "just do it!" "Fine" I sighed and looked at Ray "open the door and lock it then close the door" he told me "nothing sneaky or I'll shoot you!" I did as he said but he shot me in my forearm "shit!" "Nothing sneaky Zach!" He yelled and I walked out then close the door "I tried to run in there" Zach said I look at him but he looked at my crimson bleeding arm "shit here" he said and took bandages off his arm and warped it around my forearm "thank you Zach" I smiled at him and he smiled back "I'll let you in once you find out who Rachel is really!" Danny yelled "Danny I will kill you son of bitch!" I yelled and he laughed "I guess we explore this room huh?" And Zach nodded "what's going with Ray..." I asked him "I don't know but we will get her back don't worry" I sighed and we looked around the hallway.
Ray, please be okay...

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