Chapter 43

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Dear Diary,

She told me she loves me last night. It was surreal, insane and so so perfect. I didn't realise it was what I needed to hear until she said it, and everything became clear to me. She is the love of my life and I can't believe that we are together. I sound like such a sap, but she has changed me. She really has, without even having to try.

Before Ruby, I didn't even believe in love, but now I realise just how much love can change a person. She is everything to me and I simply can't fucking believe that she is my girlfriend.

I asked her to move in with me officially and she said yes. She still has to get all of her things from her old place but fairly soon she will be living with me. We decided we would go to and from school separately as to not create any suspicion, but I also can't wait for the day I graduate and I can be with her in public.

I have to go to school now, it's my first day back since being hospitalised and I also have soccer training so I'm excited to see the girls again.


Ruby had already left for school before I had woken up this morning. She left a note saying that she had a bunch of work to mark before her first lesson this morning so she needed to get it done without any distractions (aka me).

After getting dressed and finishing breakfast, I made my way to school in my car. It had been a while since I'd gotten it but I was still so obsessed. Aimee and I had had countless fights over my car, purely because she refused to respect that I didn't want her eating in it. Especially fucking tuna.

Arriving at school I was greeted by my favourite person, Mrs Rysteck.

"Good morning, Miss!" I chirped happily, closing my car door and hurrying to catch up to her.

"What do you want?" she snapped at me.

"I just wanted to say hello and wish you a blessed day!" I smiled at her.

She huffed at me before quickening her pace, trying her hardest to get away from me.

"Also, I committed some sins over the weekend that I'd like to confess!" I said.

She turned to look at me, and I made my best effort to look guilty and ashamed, lowering my head and looking down at my feet.

"Go ahead," she snapped, and I smiled inwardly before beginning.

"I just wanted to confess that I got laid this weekend. Multiple times. By a woman!" I said, winking at her before skipping off to find Aimee and the boys before she could chase after me with a bible.

"You look happy today..." Connor said suspiciously as I made my way over to them.

"That's because I am," I stared simply, and all three of them looked at me in shock.

"Don't get me wrong Inds, I'm so happy that you're happy... but what's changed?" Aimee asked me.

For the past few weeks they had only seen me depressed, crying or sulking around not wanting to talk to anyone. I couldn't blame them for being shocked at my new attitude, and I couldn't wait to tell them why.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I got myself a girlfriend?" I said sneakily, and they all gasped.

"Surely not!" Scott said dramatically.

"India Thorn doesn't do relationships. Who are you and what have you done with our Indi?" Connor said, equally as dramatically.

"I'm a changed woman," I joked, poking my tongue out at them.

"So...does that mean you're over Miss Rose?" Aimee asked me quietly.

I chuckled loudly and shook my head.

"Oh Aimee, bless your soul. No. I'm not over her," I laughed.

"Well, that's not fair to your girlfriend. Who is she?" Aimee asked.

"Miss Rose," I said simply, and they all looked at me confused.

"Yeah, what about her?" Connor asked.

"She's my girlfriend," I smirked.

There was a split second of silence, everyone's jaws dropped, and then suddenly a loud scream filled my ears.

"No fucking way!" Aimee screeched, leaping up into the air and tackling me in a bone crushing hug.

"Dude, chill!" I hissed at her, but I couldn't hide my smile.

"I can't chill, this is so amazing! Tell me everything. Oh my god, I need popcorn!" she rambled.

"Not here, come over this afternoon and I'll explain everything!" I said.

"Does this invitation extend to us as well?" Scott asked.

"Sure, but just so you know, she'll be there too. She moved back in." I told them casually, earning another scream from Aimee.

"I am living vicariously through you right now!" she squealed.

"Do you and Damien not have an interesting sex life?" I teased her.

"More like non existent. Turns out he's Mrs Rysteck's long lost soulmate. I tried getting in his pants and he began reciting bible verses to me!" she whinged, causing me, Scott and Connor to burst into laughter.

That afternoon after school had finished, I drove all four of us back to my place. Getting out of the car, Connor and Scott ran to the door and let themselves in with the spare key that I kept under the pot plant. Suddenly there was a loud yell from my house and the two boys cane running back out, their eyes wide and their faces red.

"What happened?" I yelled, running towards them.

They suddenly burst into uncontrollable laughter and I couldn't get a word out of them after that. I ran into the house and saw Ruby standing at the stairs, wrapped in a robe and panting heavily, her face just as red as the boys.

"You didn't tell me we'd be having company this afternoon..." she scolded me.

"Why, what's wrong?" I asked curiously.

"You think I'm dressed like this for no reason?" she snapped at me, and finally I understood.

"Oh my god..." I said, before my shocked face turned to a smile.

"It's not funny!" she snapped at me.

"Babe, it is kind of funny..." I laughed, and she shook her head at me before walking up the stairs.

Aimee and the boys made their way into the house cackling with laughter. Ruby soon came downstairs, still red in the face but dressed more appropriately.

"We are never talking about this again. Understand?" she raised her voice.

"Understood," my friends all said, and she nodded before making her way over to me and wrapping her arms softly around my waist.

"Oh my god, I'm still not used to this!" Aimee whispered.

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