Chapter 27

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"India, wake up!" a voice said.

I felt a warm hand touch my arm and shake me gently, trying to wake me from my slumber. I was having a great dream, I had Ruby pinned underneath me - one hand around her throat and the other between her legs.

"Five more minutes..." I mumbled, grabbing my blanket and covering my face with it.

"Come on, there's something here for you!" the voice said.

I slowly sat up in my bed and stretched, yawning loudly as I did so.

"Happy Birthday!" the voice said, and I turned to see Ruby kneeling next to my bed, a small smile on her face.

"Oh shit, I'm eighteen today. Oh my god!" I said, jumping out of bed.

"Some people dropped off something for you a few minutes ago. It's out the front," she said.

I quickly ran down the stairs and flung the door open, coming to a halt when I saw Ruby's car sitting next to an equally impressive one.

This car was an Audi convertible in matte black. It had a oversized red bow on the bonnet and a large card stuck under the windshield wiper.

"What the fuck is that?" I gasped, walking towards the car.

I grabbed the card from under the windscreen wiper and opened it, watching $100 notes fall to the ground.

"Fuck!" I hissed, bending down to pick them up.

The card read,

'Happy Birthday my darling India. I hope you are surprised. I can't believe my baby girl is finally an adult. You make me proud every day.

Love always, Dad ♥️'

"Oh my god, my dad bought me a fucking car!" I gasped, and Ruby chuckled beside me.

"Indeed he did..." she said. "I have a present for you as well, when you're done looking at this one."

Ruby walked inside and I followed her, but not after taking one last fleeting look at my new gift.

"You didn't have to get me anything, I would've settled for a birthday kiss. Or a birthday fuck..." I winked.

"Well I got you one. Now I didn't wrap it, and it's no Audi convertible, but I hope you like it..." she said, before reaching into her bag and pulling out a red piece of material.

She gave it to me and I unfolded it, revealing a Portugal soccer jersey.

"Oh my god, is this an original?" I gasped, admiring the front of the jersey.

"Turn it around," she smiled, and as I did so I gasped.

It was Cristiano Ronaldo's jersey that he had worn in the World Cup, and not only that, but his signature was written on the back in large black pen.

"Oh my god..." I whispered.

I could feel my eyes brimming with tears, and I didn't want Ruby to see them. The fact that she cared about me enough to actually buy this for me was so insanely heart warming.

"Are you...crying?" Ruby asked incredulously.

I shook my head and quickly wiped my eyes.

"No, no. I don't cry!" I quickly said, but it was too late. I have a watery chuckle and closed the distance between Ruby and I, wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug.

"Why would you do this for me?" I asked, my face nuzzled into her neck.

"I'm not sure if you've realised this India, but I've grown quite fond of you," she laughed.

"Likewise," I smiled, pulling away from the hug.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BITCH!" Aimee screamed, running towards me and tackling me in a hug.

Her screams got the attention of everybody in the school playground, and soon enough Connor and Scott had convinced everyone to start singing Happy Birthday.

"Guys, stop!" I whinged, but it was no use. Scott and Connor had begun to dance around me in a circle, flailing their arms around as they chanted 'happy birthday' over and over again.

"Why am I friends with you guys?" I sighed, but I couldn't help but laugh.

Throughout the day Connor and Scott would randomly burst into song, singing Happy Birthday and encouraging everyone in the vicinity to sing. At one point Connor even climbed onto the top of the brick wall to conduct everyone as they sang...I hid in the girls toilets until it was over.

By the end of the day almost everyone in the school knew it was my birthday. Mr Linder had told us that he had cancelled soccer training because of my party and told me he hoped I had a great night. Mrs Rysteck muttered something about committing acts of sin and that I should repent and save my soul. I told her the party was nothing crazier than a hardcore bible study sesh.

As Aimee, Connor, Scott and I walked out of the school gates towards my house, the excitement for my party finally began to kick in. Scott and Connor still had no idea that Ruby lived with me, so Ruby had gone straight to Kelsey's house after school.

Once we arrived home, we all began to clear the house of anything damageable or important. When the alcohol arrived, Aimee began to pile it all into buckets of ice that Adam had given us. By the time we were done setting up it was an hour until the party was to start. Aimee and I made our way upstairs to get ready while Scott and Connor waited downstairs and talked with the DJ.

I let Aimee do my makeup since she knew a lot more about it than me. We started getting dressed into our costumes. I had decided to go as a 'sexy mental patient'. Well, I didn't decide, Aimee did...but the costume looked good on me so I just went with it. The costume came with straps that tied up at the back, making you look like you were in a straight jacket. It accentuated my small waist, nice boobs and bum, so I was happy.

Aimee was dressed as a slutty nurse. She was quite a bit shorter than me and wore bright red heels and knee high socks.

"You look very fuckable tonight, Aimee Valentine," I smirked, and she swatted my arm.

"Don't do that lesbian shit with me, Thorn. Save it for another girl tonight!" she scolded.

Once Aimee was done getting ready she insisted on taking selfies, before her eyes dropped to my bed and she gasped.

"Um, who the fuck gave you this?" she gasped, holding up the soccer jersey.

"You won't believe me even if I told you," I said.

"Surely your mum wouldn't know you well enough to know how obsessed you are with Ronaldo?" she said, and I shook my head.

"Nope, wasn't mum..." I said.

"Wait, your dad got you a car and the jersey?" she gasped, and I shook my head once again.

"Dude, who got you this? Do you have another best friend I have to compete with?" she asked me.

"No, Aimz...I got it from Miss Rose!" I whispered.

"You fucking what?" she screamed, looking down at the jersey in shock.

"I know, I was shocked too..." I said.

"No, you don't understand. This is one of a kind...this would've cost thousands!" she exclaimed.

"I know, I know! I don't know why she got it for me!" I told her.

"She wants to do more than just kiss you India, I think she wants to be your girlfriend..." Aimee said teasingly, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Not happening, I don't do relationships and she just got out of a serious one. I think she just felt sorry for me, I don't know..." I tried to explain, but it was really no use. Aimee was right, why did she spend so my money on me?

"Okay, let's go downstairs! People should be arriving soon!" Aimee squealed, grabbing my hand and dragging me down the stairs.

If I was certain about one thing tonight, it was that I wanted to get absolute fucking smashed and forget about my growing feelings for Ruby fucking Rose.

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