Chapter 23

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Dear Diary,

Yesterday was...crazy. Ruby and I ended up fucking on the kitchen counter and it was incredible. She did things no one has ever done before and made me feel things I've never felt. I thought that once I finally fucked her I'd get it out of my system and I'd be done with her, but I thought wrong. All I want to do it fuck her again, and again, and again, and again. The image of her under me is one I can't ever forget, as if it's burned into my memory, singed into my brain. I never fuck the same girl twice, but I wanted her to be different.

I haven't seen her yet today. I heard her walk downstairs a while ago but I don't know if she left... I'm dying to have breakfast anyway so I think I'll go downstairs and check. Hopefully she isn't awkward about what happened between us.


Snapping the book shut I opened my door and walked downstairs towards the kitchen. I saw the fridge door open, Ruby bending down and rummaging through it. I crept up to the side of the fridge, leaning against the counter.

"Morning," I said cheekily.

Ruby jumped and bumped her head on the top of the fridge, emerging with a scowl on her face.

"Fuck!" she hissed, closing the fridge door as I laughed.

"Sorry!" I laughed, leaning back against the counter as I did so.

"Yeah, so you should be..." she said, but she couldn't hide the smile on her face.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked suggestively, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Actually, no. I was up all night thinking. We shouldn't have done that," she said awkwardly.

"Well damn, I thought I made you cum hard enough to make you sleep like a baby. Guess I'll have to try harder next time," I said with a fake frown.

"India, I - there won't be a next time..." she said slowly, and I felt my heart drop.

"Yeah, I know. I never fuck the same girl twice anyway, you're safe!" I said with a wink, but I could feel my heart plummeting through my stomach.

"Right, well...I'm glad that's sorted," she said awkwardly, refusing to meet my eyes.

"Yeah, you were great though by the way. Best fuck I've had in months," I said. I was still trying to act like what she said didn't cut through me like a knife, and I hoped it was working.

"Thanks..." she laughed awkwardly, running a hand through her hair.

"What, no compliments for me?" I feigned offence, my hand over my heart.

"I don't want to say, because if I start then I might not stop. I don't want to get carried away..." she said softly.

"I was that good, huh?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

She nodded, biting her lip and looking at me.

"You know, if you weren't my student I'd..." she trailed off.

"You'd what?" I asked her.

"I'd have fucked you the day I met you. Because I wanted to..." she said to me.

I was taken aback by her honesty, but I liked hearing what she said.

"Well, I've been trying to fuck you since the first day I met you so I guess we both had secrets," I winked.

"Yours was definitely no secret!" she laughed at me, and I laughed as well.

"True, but anyway. It's a shame I don't fuck the same girl twice, because there's a lot more I would've loved to do to you!" I said to her.

"As much as I enjoyed it, it can't happen again. I'm your teacher and it was wrong," she said, and I nodded back.

"Gotcha," I said, "anyway I told Aimee and the boys that I'd meet up with them today so you've got the house to yourself."

I walked back upstairs, lying down on the bed and staring up at the ceiling. I didn't actually have anything planned with Aimee, Scott and Connor today, but I needed to get out of the house. Knowing how desperately I wanted to fuck her, I couldn't be around her right now.

FUCKWITS (Indi): hey guys, meet at the diner in an hour? 💩

FUCKWITS (Scotty): yep, I'm keen

FUCKWITS (Condawg): yeah I'll be there 👍🏼

FUCKWITS (Aimz): sure thing, see you soon x

I decided that I wasn't going to tell them about Miss Rose and me. As much as I loved them, Connor had a bit of a big mouth and I knew he wouldn't be able to keep it a secret. I had already told Aimee about the kiss, but that's all I wanted her to know. I wanted to respect Ruby's privacy as much as possible, not wanting anyone to find it what we had done.

After lying in my bed for a while I finally got changed and walked downstairs.

"Well, I'll see you later," I said, grabbing my skateboard and walking out the door.

It wasn't a long walk to the diner, and the weather was nice for a skate. I skated down the street on my board and let the breeze hit my face. My hair was tangled behind me as I skated down the hill toward the central district of Varsity Lakes.

The sky was a beautiful blue, not a cloud in sight. The trees were green and the grass was greener, the Australian summer really bringing the goods. It was the end of February now, meaning that soon enough Autumn would come and the leaves would soon turn red. With Autumn also came my 18th birthday, something that I've been waiting for for years. I decided I would make the Facebook event today with the crew.

I finally arrived at the diner, picking up my skateboard and walking inside. Scott, Connor and Aimee were already there in our usual booth, talking animatedly about something.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked, sliding in the booth next to Connor.

"Hey Indi, you good? Why the urgent meeting?" Scott asked.

"Well, we've gotta plan my party, don't we?" I smirked, and Aimee practically shrieked with joy.

"Oh my god, yes! I have been waiting so long for this day!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

And so we sat in the booth for hours, planning our every aspect of the party. Aimee took over, and I sat back and let it happen. She wasn't 18 until next year so she was living vicariously through me until then. It was good to spend the afternoon with my mates, temporarily taking my mind off the one thing I desperately craved, Miss Rose.

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