Part 12

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"Oh my darlings it's so good to see you" Anne says as she greets Harry and Edward at the front door.

"We've missed you" Edward says as he hugs Anne tightly.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around, just wanted to give you some space with Louis and everything" Anne says smiling.

"Thanks mum, we're excited for you to meet him" Harry says as he and Edward take Anne's bags and usher her inside to the kitchen.

"Me too, I can't wait to meet your gorgeous boy, where is he?" Anne asks happily.

Louis has been watching the three of them from the corner of the lounge, he's hiding behind a pot plant and is a bit weary of Meeting someone new.

Edward tilts his head silently in Louis direction and Anne smiles and pretends she doesn't notice Louis, he's in full view of everyone though and Anne is in love already.

"Headspace?" Anne whispers, she knows the boys have been having trouble with Louis past and him staying in headspace.

The boys both nod smiling.

"Well, I was really hoping Louis would be here, I wanted to meet him and give him a present and have some yummy lunch with him and maybe some ice cream" Anne says loudly so Louis can here.

Edward and Harry play along too as they see Louis stick his head around the plant after hearing ice cream.

"We thought Louis would love some ice cream too but we can't find him and we're a bit worried" Harry says.

Louis contemplates coming out, Anne doesn't seem scary and he loves ice cream, he sighs,

"I here daddy H" Louis says as he comes out from behind the plant.

"Oh, there you are bug, we didn't know where you were hiding" Edward says.

Harry walks closer to Louis and kneels down in front of him.

"Would you like to meet your grandma Anne sweetheart?" Harry asks kindly.

Louis looks behind Harry and towards Anne and Edward, Anne has a huge smile on her face and Louis thinks she looks friendly and kind, a lot like Harry.

"She no hurt me right?" Louis says and Harry's heart clenches.

"No one in this house will ever lay a hand on you, Daddy E and I will never let anyone hurt you, including grandma Anne. But she's very kind and would never, ever want to hurt you darling. I promise" Harry says sincerely.

Louis takes a deep breath.

"Okay" Louis says.

Harry smiles big and then stands up, Louis holds his arms up and Harry is quick to bring Louis into his arms and on his hip. Louis rests his head in Harry's neck as he leads him towards Anne.

"Well look at you! You must be Louis, I'm grandma Anne, it's nice to meet you" Anne says smiling as she tries to coax Louis out of Harry's neck.

"Can you say hi to grandma darling!" Edward asks kindly.

"Hi" Louis says and he lifts his head up.

"Hello honey, you are very cute Louis" Anne says and Louis smiles slightly.

"You know what grandma Anne loves kiddo?" Edward asks and Louis looks at him "puzzles!" Edward says excitedly.

"Oh yes I love puzzles" Anne says.

"You do?" Louis asks surprised.

"They are my favourite" Anne says.

"I got lots of puzzles from daddy......H and and and Daddy E, I show you?" Louis asks cutely and Anne is so happy Louis is starting to open up.

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