"Yeah, well you'll be glad to know that Dave won't be there. He's hangin' with some of his friends and Lars is goin' with him."

"I'm not even gonna pretend that that didn't just make this day even better." I grinned cheekily. "Poor Lars though."

James grinned back at me as we grabbed their stuff and put it in the trunk, before hopping into the backseat while Ron kept Kelly company in the front. The music was turned up loud, and we joined the thousands on the Southern California freeways making their way to the beach.

With traffic, it took us well over an hour to get down to Huntington Beach, but we did get lucky and found a parking spot fairly quickly. Loading ourselves up with gear, we headed down to the designated meeting spot on the beach. Hugh, Mike and a couple other guys had gotten there earlier in the day, and managed to secure a cement fire pit. There was a bunch of good natured ribbing and catcalls as we greeted them, and I introduced the guys to Kelly, who was promptly adopted into the tribe. She and I set up the umbrellas and blankets that we'd brought, and immediately lotioned up and laid down to sun ourselves as the guys stood around talking, drinking beers and throwing a football.

Throughout the next couple hours, more of our friends arrived, including, I was happy to see, Jim and Melissa. Mel and Kelly hit it off instantly, and I left them happily chatting as I made my way down to the water to cool off. Hearing my name being called, I looked back to see Jamie jog up.

"Can I join ya?"

I raised a teasing eyebrow at his formality. "Like you even have to ask."

He grinned wide, and side by side we stuck a tentative toe in the water. It felt almost too cool, having warmed up in the sun. James saw my hesitation and grabbed my hand, tugging insistently as I followed him in. The feel of my hand in his was a good distraction from the cold. When the water was at our waists, we both dove in, breaking the surface a few yards further out. We stayed in for a while swimming and talking, the cool water now feeling good against my skin.

I was splashing playfully at James, when suddenly he got a strange look on his face. Without warning, he reached out and grabbed me by the waist and yanked me against him hard, while at the same time, pulling us through the water. Peripherally, I saw a flash of color as a guy on a boogie board rushed past, barely missing me by inches. Jamie came to a stop in chest deep water, and I only realized then that I'd automatically looped my arms around his neck as he'd steered me out of the path of the boarder. We were wrapped up tight in each other's arms, and quickly I became aware of the heat of his hands on my back and waist, the way my nipples were hardening and rubbing against his chest, the smoothness of his skin under my fingers. We stayed like that for a handful of breathless moments, until finally I looked up shyly to see if was as affected as me. But his head was turned, and all I could see was his jaw clenched tight.

"Fuckin' asshole." I finally heard him mutter.

No, he wasn't affected at all.

"Thanks...thanks for savin' me." I let out a shaky breath.

He nodded grimly but still wouldn't look down at me, his focus on something in the distance; I assumed he was looking for the boogie boarder to go chew him out. Reluctantly, I pulled out of his arms and finally he looked down at me, his expression unreadable.

"Are you OK?"

"Yeah"—I nodded—"but I'm gonna head back."

"Alright, I'm gonna stay out here for a few more minutes."

I smiled to mask my frustration, and then slowly made my way out of the water and up through the crowded sand to our friends. Kelly and Mel were speaking quietly, their heads close together. They broke apart almost guiltily as I approached.

So Close (a James Hetfield story)Where stories live. Discover now