Chapter 47

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"You can't let anyone know you're leaving, that includes Debra.  I know how close you and Debra are, and how hard it will be but you have to cut all ties with her once we leave here.  It is the  only way to  protect her and you. He is her Alpha  and she can not disobey his command." His eyes are sad as he goes on. "  Her  family is all back in that pack. They have been waiting for her return, and love her very much.She has a life to go back to and it wouldn't be fair to take that away.  When it is discovered that you are gone ,  he will question her first.    So the less she knows about anything the better off she is." 

I know he's right , but I love her like my own sister and just leaving like that feels wrong.  But the thought of her being punished by her Alpha for not telling him or stopping me  overrides everything.  I can't put her in that position, the risk for her is too great. I know how much her family means to her. I can't asks her to risk losing her family over me.  I know that pain of loss  myself, and don't want that for her.

"What about Kurt, he's part of that pack too. With  him  bringing Alisha here  there's no way to hide that from  the Alpha ,he will know it was him."  Kurt has been a good male to me,he helped care for  Alisha and took her to safety while everything went down here. " I don't want him to get in trouble with Alpha Andrew"

" He went  rogue , left the pack for good.   He just couldn't stay there after everything that happened here.  This wasn't how it was supposed to be and he couldn't stay support his Alpha anymore. He wants to help you and Alisha , it's his way of making amends for everything that's happened here."

  Kurt must have told Don about his role in having to kill one of the twins. He isn't a cold hearted killer, and that event really effected him badly. I don't know how he will ever come back from that. 

" There is something I have to ask you  before  this all goes down."  This has been bugging me ever since the birth of  Alisha. His sudden   change of attitude towards females. If I'm going to be putting my life and the lives of my pups, born and unborn under his control.  He has to give me some kind of reassurance.    

" Why, I want to know why your doing this for me. You were part of this pack and did the things they did to the females here once. Why the change?" 

He didn't say anything at first, just looked at me with those  sad eyes. " It was the birth of that little pup, as I looked at that tiny fragile thing lying there  it reminded me of who I once was.  I was a mate and a father once, and I did everything  to protect them as a good mate should. But it wasn't enough, and they both died  from the swine flu when it sweep though the country. After that , I lost myself and didn't care about anyone or anything. That was   until that little female came into my life. I can protect her and you too if you let me, I would give my life for you two if it was asked of me.  You have  given me a purpose in life again."

I believed him, there isn't anything telling me he's lying.  I've seen how much he's  cared for Alisha, and how quickly he reacted when she was in danger from Jarlen, arranging to have  her taken to safety. 

" I trust you, but  please don't let me down" I grab him around the waist and hug him. He's stiff when I first made the physical contact, but soon relaxes and returns the hug.  I haven't touched any male here before without being forced to and this felt so right . 

"Let's go eat before they wonder why we are taking so long, don't need anyone getting suspicious ."

We walk together to the food building, and go to separate tables without speaking. Debra gives me a "whats up " look , but I just give her a smile and it seems to satisfy her for now. This is going to be tough, leaving without saying even a goodbye. Maybe someday things will be different and I can reach out to her. I only hope she can forgive me for leaving her like that.

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