Chapter 6

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Dean underestimated how skilled Fisher was when he began to attack him. The kid was matching his every move, blocking every punch he threw. For somebody with the body shape of a beanpole, this kid was strong.

"Sam!" he shouted.

Sam ran up behind him and began attack Fisher as well. With two against one, Fisher was slowly being overcome. Dean faintly heard Cas talking to Casey as he carried her back to the car, adding to his rage.

Finally, Dean pushed Fisher up against one of the trees, pinning him there. Fisher was panting for breath, blood dripping from his nose and mouth.

"Sam, go find Harold. I've got this scumbag," Dean said in a low voice.

Sam complied, running back to the house.

"Now," Dean said, leaning in closely to Fisher's face, "you're gonna answer a few questions for me. And if you don't, I'll shove this knife somewhere important. Do you understand?"

Fisher nodded frantically.

"Good. First question. Did you take advantage of my sister?"

He shook his head, eyes wide.

"Good answer," Dean growled. "Second question. Why?"

"It was my Dad's idea," he stuttered. "He told me about you guys and how you started the apocalypse. So we made this plan. We started by killing off a few college girls, just enough to start gaining attention. Then we called you guys. Dad didn't know that you guys had a sister, so he told me to take her out and get rid of her. Then you guys would be invested personally. That would cloud your judgment. Then, when we went out to hunt, we'd shoot you guys in the back."

Dean swore loudly, causing Fisher to jump.

"You killed a bunch of innocent girls just to get us to come here?" he yelled. "That's it. Come on."

Dean dragged Fisher out of the woods by his shirt collar and towards the house. He all but kicked in the door, where he was met with Sam.

"Take this lowlife and tie him up in the basement. Then call the police to come and take him away."

Sam nodded. "Harold is already down there. There's enough evidence in this house to put them away for a long, long time."


Dean turned on his heels and walk back to the car. He saw Casey sitting inside with Castiel. He knocked lightly on the door, causing her to jump violently.

"Dean!" she all but shrieked. She unlocked the car door for him so he could slide into the backseat with her. She hugged him tightly with her good arm, finally allowing the tears to fall. He held her as close as humanly possible, whispering softly in her ear to try and calm her down.

"Shh... it's okay baby girl, Dean's got you... it's all over, everything's gonna be fine... Dean's got you..."

"He... he tried... he tried to..." she tried to explain what happened but couldn't find the words through her tears.

"Shh, I know... I know what he tried to do... it's alright, Sam and I took care of everything..."

"I'm sorry..."

"Hey," he said, pulling back so he could look her in the eye. "Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. None of this was your fault, you understand?"

She nodded before burying her face in his shoulder again.

Dean sighed in relief when he saw Sam coming out of the house. He looked a little worse for wear, but nowhere near as bad as Casey did. Casey looked like she'd just come out on the losing side of a cage fight.

Sam saw Dean holding Casey in the back seat and immediately knew that whatever had gone down was bad. Really, really bad. Casey never cried, ever, especially not in front of them. His mind started coming up with scenarios about what could have possibly happened, and none of them were good. He opened the driver's door and slid into the car.

"Hey, Case," he said softly, reaching around to pat her knee gently. "Let's get you home, okay?"

She didn't answer. She was too scared to leave the safety of Dean's embrace just yet.

"That guy... he didn't, you know...."

"No, he didn't," Dean confirmed. "I interrogated him. I made sure he didn't."

Sam nodded. "Good."

He turned the key in the ignition and the engine roared to life.

"Let's get out of here."

Silence in the Forestحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن