No Fate But My Own: Chapters 6-10

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to have to go, Kenzi. The Morrigan has killed people just for keeping her waiting." Lauren stands up using the the side of the tub for support, just in case her legs refused to hold her. She was almost surprised at how fine she felt, Bo had taken a lot of chi from her after all, but if anything she just felt... light. Dyson had already left the bathroom heading for the stairs. She takes a few steps towards Bo. The brunette's eyes following her every step. The succubus reaches out her hand as the doctor steps in front of her. Lauren reaches out and takes it, she bends down and kisses the knuckles softly. "I will be back as soon as I can, Bo." The succubus doesn't respond but her eyes glisten as if she may cry. Lauren kisses her hand again, before following after Dyson. Their hands still joined, Bo's fingers trail down her palm and along her long fingers as she slowly walks away. Lauren gives Bo a reassuring smile and a soft, "I Love you," as their fingers finally fall apart. Lauren hurriedly gets dressed frowning at the slightly crumpled grey tailored pants and button down shirt. She sits on Bo's side of the bed to pull on her brown boots and that is when she notices the beautiful jewel encrusted dagger sitting on the bedside table. The doctor frowns as a feeling of familiarity comes over her, she's almost certain that she had seen the exquisite blade before. The blonde runs a finger down the shining silver edge of the blade. She lets out a hiss and jerks her hand away noticing the small smear of blood colouring the silver surface. She places her finger in her mouth, sucking on the small cut, frowning at the alluring object.

"Come on, Doc. We've got to go!" Dyson's impatient voice, drifted up the stairs. Dismissing the curiosity she was feeling about the daggers origins and how the succubus had come to get it, she puts on her other boot and heads hurriedly down the stairs. She doesn't see her blood being absorbed by the dagger, leaving it unblemished again as if it had never cut her flesh.

The Ash

"Evony, I assure you that Lauren will be there shortly. I sent Dyson to go fetch her." He listens to The Morrigan continue to rant angrily on the other end of the line. "The succubus' piece of crap car broke down," he says, making up what he thought was an acceptable and believable excuse for his wayward doctor. " I don't see why you won't just let the others start inoculating the first wave of patients." He laughs at the absurd reason Evony gives for not starting without the doctor. "We made a binding deal! No one is going to sabotage the vaccine, Evony. Fine. Look, she will be there soon!" A knock on the door startles the black fae sitting behind the ornate dark wood desk. "Just a minute," he says gruffly. He cuts The Morrigan off before she can start complaining again. "I'm sorry; I really have to go. Someone is at the door. Are we still on for dinner tomorrow night...Excellent...I will see you then." Samuel hangs up the phone and then calls out to whoever is waiting to enter. The Ash is surprised when he sees The Dals way-station keeper Fitzpatrick McCorrigan open the door. He enters the office and closes the door quietly behind him.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from our resident way-station proprietor?" The Ash enquires, his eyebrow raised in interest. He didn't think he had seen Trick since they had found Bo and put her through the trials.

Trick gives The Ash a small bow of his head, showing his respect for the dark skinned fae sitting in front of him. "I have learned recently that you have something that belongs to me and I would like it back." The words come out bold and confident.

Samuel looks at Trick with even more interest and curiosity as the statement sinks in. "And what pray tell, would this item be?"

The Ash leans forward on his desk his elbows leaning on the hard wood of the table. He notices the small old man hesitate just a little, but it is gone just as quickly. It was as if the old man had made a great decision and the atmosphere in the room seems to thicken with tension as The Ash waits for Trick to continue. The tiny fae looks into Samuel's dark curious eyes and speaks with an authority he had never heard from him before. "I...was... am... The Blood King and I would like my ancestral crown returned to me."

No Fate But My Own: Sequel to Prophecy of Power.Where stories live. Discover now