Love Advice

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I was an innocent 12 year old when I started babysitting. I thought all children were adorable and couldn't possibly do no wrong.

The first time I ever babysat was for a kid named Craig. He was about four I think.

Now imagine innocent 12 year old me, fresh out of red-cross training, babysitting the kid that not only scared away my older, stupider brother, but also all three of my mom's friend's daughters.

In this chapter I'm only talking about the first twenty minutes I was there. The other part will come later.

Anyway I get to their house and THE POWER IS OUT. But yet they still wanted to go out so I am left alone with crazy Craig. And one of the first things that comes out of his mouth is:

"How do I know if I'm in love?"

And of course I'm freaking 12 and I'm just like:

"Uhmmmm Uhmmm"

Because I am TWELVE and being asked for love advice I awkwardly stammered:

"Uhmmm Uh ask your parents."

And that ladies and gentlemen was the first time I ever gave love advice.

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