Utter chaos. Everyone was speaking, yelling or screeching all at once. But it was all along the same lines;

    "Keith is pregnant?!"

    "Shiro, you never told us you had a thing with Keith!"

    "A baby?? Why wasn't anyone informed?!"

     The talking got louder and louder, as the Paladins began voicing their thoughts louder and louder until-

    "EVERYONE BE QUIET!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. There was a growl in my voice. Suddenly, the panic finally hit me at full speed. Something I hadn't felt in a while.

    Panic attack.

    I took off my helmet to stop the voices of everyone. I ran my fingers through my hair, forgetting that it was a video call and everyone could see me. My fingers started pulling, and I felt myself topple over in my seat, shaking at the panic.

     Everyone got quiet. Since it was a video call, having my helmet didn't matter on the communication.

    "Shiro..." Hunk was first to speak. His voice was soft and concerned. "Did you not know?"

    I didn't respond, only sank deeper into my knees.

   After Hunk said that, there were quiet "Ohh"s of understanding.

   "So Keith kept it a secret," Pidge responded quietly but still very matter-of-fact. "Even from Shiro."

    I nodded miserably, trying to gather everything I could to stop the attack. Powering through one is never healthy, but like the battles I fought back with the Galra, I had to power through.

   Keith's life is in danger.

    I took a deep breath and sat up, starting to switch my controls. "Now's not the time for questions. I understand a lot of you are confused, and probably hurt. I'm just as in the dark as the rest of you. I had no idea Keith was..." I bit my lip.

   "...but that's not the point. Keith...Keith is pregnant. And he's out in the middle of Space, with nothing but his blade to protect him. He's in more danger then we anticipated." I said strongly. "And it's my baby!!" My last words were desperate and showed my weakness to my new family, but it sent the message.

    "Okay. I'll show you how to power the boosters I programmed on your Lions. They may fail, but they should at least help you catch up with Keith a lot faster." Pidge immediately got to work.

   "I have a pinpoint on the pod's locations, and it looks like it's about to land. I'll send the coordinates." Allura also got back to work.

    That left Hunk.

    "Take it easy, Shiro. Don't beat yourself up about it. Keith has us all fooled." He said comfortingly.

   "All that matters is that I find him." My hands squeezed the handles of my Lion.


    Pidge showed us how to use the boosters. With our new speed, we'd catch up to Keith in about an hour, but o found that the hour was around five years long.

    "Cmon...." I urged, my panic not fully contained. "Can't this Lion go any faster?!"


Keith's POV:

    I'm totally lost. My paranoia from being caught by the other Lions really screwed me over in the long run.

   It had led me in the complete wrong direction! Instead of three days, it would take me two weeks to get to Iocralli!

    Not to mention I'd completely underestimated my own eating habits; food that was supposed to last 4 days will last me only about ten hours.

    I had three hours left. This had totally gone out of wack.

    I searched the map I had for a planet to rest on. Preferably one with a civilization. But to my dismay, the only breathable planet was a creepy, foresty planet called Reilo.

    I had no choice, I was running out on oxygen. So I took a deep breath, swallowing my fear, and dove to the planet.

    My landing wasn't exactly quiet. Lots of shrubbery was run over as my wheels tried to grasp the mud. It spread the murky dirt everywhere, and immediatly the trees blocked the majority of sunlight.

    I gathered what little food I had left and got my stuff to set up a temporary camp. I'd done this plenty of times, the only difference now is that I'm eating for two.

    But leaving the pod was hard. Usually, I feel fine on my own, but now I feel vulnerable. Outnumbered. I have no idea what the hell's out there.

   When I did get out of the pod, I found a source of light; a part of the woods right near my pod that the trees hadn't taken over. Instead, it was a shallow cave.

   I lit my torch, taking a good look at my pod before going to the cave. Fuck, is stuck in the damned mud!! Fan-fucking-tastic.

    But a noise in the woods suddenly sounded, and I felt chills go down my spine. I hobbled as quickly as I could over to the light. I was lucky, the cave was completely empty. So I spent the next several minutes setting up a scene.

   Then, the sound again. It sounded like a screech, and it was getting closer. My heart rate began to soar as I heard giant footsteps in the brush outside.

   I bit my lip. "Fuck..." I pulled out my blade of Malmora, and stood guard.

   For a minute, the creature stopped. That minute was the longest, most blood curdling moment of my life.

   "SCREEEEEEECHHHHH!" Eyes. Hundreds of red eyes suddenly blinked open. I staggered back as the fear overwhelmed me.

    And then, a beast stepped into the light. It was magnificent beast, and it was downright terrifying. The beast had a stature of seven feet, and a head of a hundred red eyes. It's jaw was unhinged, hundreds of sharp teeth covered in what I could only believe was acid. It looked emancipated, nothing but bones and a slimy skin.

    A Gastrea.

    Coran has once warned us about this creature. It was a mutation of a planet that was slowly decaying. It'll eat anything it can find, not for food but for fun.

    And it's attracted to heat.

    I wanted to hit myself on the head so bad, it must've been my stupid torch that attracted it! But I had no time to get mad at myself, the creature lunges at me, jaw unhinged.

   My blade quickly transformed when my life was in danger. The added weight in my mid section made it harder to fight, but not impossible. I swiped at the creature, all the emotions from this past month building up and boiling over. I screamed at the creature, slicing its face and stabbing its gut, until it finally let out a dying screech and melted into the floor leaving nothing but CO2 gas.

     I fell with my knees to the floor, gasping for breath. I still had my badass fighting spirit in me.

   No one comes in between me and my baby.

   I sat down, catching my breath. Then I walked to the fire, putting it out in hopes that no other Gastrea would find me.

   But my luck was non existent. When I lowered the torch, the forest was filled with red eyes.

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