Chapter 3

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Everywhere Chloe went she found designer made merchant-dices that all looked very expensive. She was shocked that someone could have this much money.

Chloe started thinking about where she would go once she moved from Kyle's mansion as she found herself in a room that looked very different then the others.

All the other rooms had nice colors for walls like white, peach and other homey colors but this rooms walls were painted a dark black with red specks all over the wall.

Entering the entire room, Chloe gasped as she found the whole room recked like dozen crazy monkey have been in here. The bed was broken with the sheets all over the room and the dresser had a cracked mirror with the mirror pieces still on the floor.

As Chloe's widened eyes looked at the broken mirror closer she found that it had been like this for quite a while.

She bent down and slid her finger along the broken mirror pieces on the floor as dust got on her fingers.

Predicting what Chloe thought was true. It looked like it had been this way a couple of years. But all Chloe could look at it and ask. Why?

She closed the door as she went back down the stairs and towards the left staircase to a whole different part of the mansion. As she passed the hall she found more pictures but they seemed of the brothers when they were younger.

One of them had the twins hugging each other at there schools annual team victory. Others had them fishing, camping and all sorts of things teenagers did in there young age.

Chloe couldn't help but admire them for how they lived there live so happily. Even though a part of her was envy of them having the life she wanted another, big part of her just admire them. All of them.


Throughout the mansion Chloe found a lot of fascinating things and as she spent her time appreciating them and soon she found herself at the enterance of the kitchen again. As Chloe went into the kitchen she found herself getting the idea of doing something for Kyle.

Even though she had nothing Chloe thought she could at least make him cupcakes as a 'Thank you'. Chloe quckily went towards the fridge and pulled out eggs and other ingredients for making cupcakes.

After having all the ingredients on the counter Chloe did a happy dance on the spot. She was over joyed with happiness as this was the first time she had all the supplies for making anything.

She quickly mixed all the ingredients together and finally put it into the oven for baking. As the cupcakes were baking Chloe decided to make icing and dinner for Kyle.

For dinner Chloe boiled spaghetti and made meatballs and the sause. She hummed her way threw the kitchen as the bell rang that the cupcakes were ready. Chloe quickly skipped to the baking oven and pulled out the cupcakes.

The aroma hit Chloe as she aproved of the cupcakes. She pulled the different colored icing from the fridge that she made as she started to ice it. As Chloe started icing the last cupcake she got an idea. Instead of icing the full cupcake Chloe wrote 'Thank you' on it.

The cupcakes were done and Chloe sighed with relief. Now all she had to do was finish dinner. Chloe drained out all the water from the spaghetti and mixed it in the bowl she emptied the sauce and meatballs. She started mixing it together and in less then a minute it was ready.

Now all Chloe had to do was wait for Kyle to come home.


As Kyle reached the mansion, he sighed with relief. Today was such an exhausting day that all he wanted to do was go bury himself in his warm bed. But he knew he couldn't. He had to talk to Chloe about something first.

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