"Speaking of killing (l/n), why did you shoot him Bucky?" Natasha asked the one-armed assassin next to her.

"Sadly it was just an accident. I don't like using these fake guns Stark made, they're too light," he responded.

Tony scowled at him and took the gun out of his hand and pointed it at you. He pulled the trigger and it made fake sound effects and it emitted a harmless laser. You frowned as Friday kept repeating that you've been shot over and over again as Tony kept pulling the trigger.

"I think we get the point, Tony."

Tony sighed as he examined the gun. "You're not wrong Barnes. It's slightly lighter than an actual gun, that could be what's throwing you off. I'll try working on adjustments."

You laughed and put a hand on Bucky's shoulder. "Good to know Bucky would never shoot me on purpose, right?"

Bucky gave you a smirk before hiding out towards the door.

"Was that a no? Barnes wait!" You tried to catch up to him as he walked out.

"Do you think those two will ever get along?" Natasha asked Steve as they watched you run after Bucky.

"They haven't killed each other, yet" Steve answered.

______________________like 2 hours later (╭☞ ¬ v ¬ )╭☞__________________


You covered your head with a pillow to block out the sound as you tried to nap on the couch in the common room.


"MMMMHHH. Just five more minutes," you mumbled.

"Get. Up!"

Suddenly you felt something smack you in the face with so much force it threw you onto the floor. You stood up in a flash and growled at whoever just struck you. "Did you just hit me with a pillow?!"

Wanda tried to suppress her laughter as Natasha threw the pillow she had hit you with back on the couch. "You weren't paying attention to me."

You frowned as both of them took a seat where you were previously napping on. If it was anyone else you probably would have yanked them off your seat, but if you did that to either one of the women sitting in front of you they would have pinned you to the floor in a second.

"I was sleeping there," you said with a pout. Wanda rolled her eyes but still smiled at your childish behavior.

"How about we make it up to you?" she asked, laughing when she saw you perk up like a puppy. "Nat and I are going out to do some Christmas shopping later, and we happened to notice your floor is looking a little bland. So we can get some stuff done and you get some decorations for your room, how does that sound?"

The thought of making your floor in the tower feel a little homier brought a smile to your face. You never got to decorate your small little room when you were in Hydra. Whenever they found some of the little trinkets or knickknacks you managed to smuggle in from your missions your handlers would confiscate them and most likely dispose of them. But here you had a whole floor to call your own and do whatever the hell you wanted with it.

"Okay, but we gotta get rid of those ugly ass paintings Tony already has hanging on the walls."

"While we're out there we really need to get you a new wardrobe too. I can't stand those clothes Clint gave you," Natasha said as she looked at your shirt in disgust. It was a red shirt with an image of a snail in the middle and in bold letters at the bottom it said 'snailed it'. As a gift when you moved in Clint had given you a ton of t-shirts with various animal puns on them.

"What's wrong with them, I like them," you told her.

"If I have to see or hear one more animal pun I will hurt someone."

You looked at Wanda for support but she just shrugged. "Not getting involved in a discussion about Clint's and your questionable taste in clothes. We should get going while we got plenty of sunlight and it isn't as cold."

"Whatever, traitor." Natasha and you followed Wanda towards the elevator.

As you waited Natasha grabbed your right wrist were you were wearing a sleek black metal bracelet. "I almost forgot to scan your tracker." Natasha murmured.

The tracker was just an expensive training collar to you. When you had first been introduced to the Avengers some of them were more comfortable in knowing that in case you ever tried to do anything and they couldn't stop you, something would keep you in check. Basically, if you ever tried to leave the tower without someone 'escorting' you or if you were in any way considered a threat, you would receive a powerful electrical shock that would knock you on your ass. So if Natasha had forgotten to scan your tracker with an app Tony had developed you would have gotten a nasty shock once you stepped a foot outside the perimeter.

"Oh yes that would have been very inconvenient for you if you would have forgotten," you said sarcastically. Before Nat could give a comeback the doors of the elevator opened and the room grew quiet.

"It seems you're taking the mutt out for his daily walk, how nice," Loki said sounding bored as he stepped into the room.

''You are welcome to join us," Wanda responded. "You may not be able to get a chance like this in a while."

You notice some hesitation in Loki's expression as he weighed the outcomes of his choice in his head. If he agreed he would be forced to follow the three of you around all day, but if he refused he would be stuck in the tower for a long time. With one glance at the bracelet around his hand that matched yours his mind was made up.

"Very well, I don't have much to lose anyway."

"Nice. Two magicians, a genetically enhanced soldier, and a deadly assassin all out for a night on the town. What could possibly go wrong."

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