"Micheal where are our children" Derek asks in a stern voice 

"Our children is the matter we need to discuss" Micheal responds 

"What do you mean?" Gordon questions worried 

"Tell me as members of this circle what is it that you expect from your eldest" Micheal asks openly to all 3 families 

"Ally knows we only want her to enjoy her youth and that what ever she decides this coven will support her" Gerry answers 

"Dinah knows she is the oldest and need to set an example" Gordon states while his wife nods in agreement 

"And you Derek, what do you expect from Normani?" Micheal asks in a form of a challenge 

"Normani know what is expected of her. The same that you expect from Lauren" Derek counters 

"I have no expectations from Lauren, I know that my daughter will follow her own path and do it as a leader with good intentions as well as keep this coven and the other families safe" Micheal replies 

"Why is this question being asked didn't we have this conversation when the children began showing their powers" Ally's mother asks 

"We did have this conversation, however it has come to my attention that some are trying to make their own decisions on how things in the coven work." Micheal informs  and in that moment, Lauren, Ally, Dinah, and Camila walk into the living room

"Just in time. Ally, Dinah you my stand with your family" Micheal says instructing the two youngest who do as told. 

"What is she doing here, she is not part of this coven, and where is Normani" Derek barks outaftehr pointing at Camila.

"Lauren" Micheal says and Lauren nods walking towards Mr. Hamilton 

"What is the meaning of this" The older man says outraged when Lauren restrains him. 

"You can come in now" Micheal says motioning towards the hall and with in seconds Normani walks while holding Becky's hand.

"What is going on here" Andrea questions when she sees her daughter walk in with an unknown person. 

"This Andrea, is your daughter receiving the head councils blessing for marriage" Micheal announces and the older woman stays stunned. 

"I Micheal Jauregui Head council Leader to the Luna Coven,  present to you Normani Kordie Hamilton, daughter of Derek and Andrea Hamilton, the right hand to the next head council leader. Next to her is Beatrice Rebecca Gomez a non- magical entity who wishes permission to be linked to this circles by the sacred ritual of Marriage. By a raise of council hands, does anyone oppose to this Marriage request?" Micheal asks while looking at every person in the living room 

"This is outrageous" Derek shouts 

"Lauren" Micheal says and his daughter does as ordered putting the older man to sleep 

"Anyone else opposed?" Micheal questions 

"By the title as head council leader, Beatrice Rebecca Gomez, You are hereby provided the entrance to this Family and your trials will begin" Micheal states

"From here on Derek Hamilton is relieved of his council duties and His daughter shall take his place." Micheal announce Causing the other head council members to nod their heads in agreement. 

"This meeting is adjourned" Micheal states then walks away leaving all the other adults in shock of what has just occurred. 

"Lauren may you please assist my mother with removing my father from the primacies" Normani request and her best friend nods 

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