Chapter 1: Coming home

Start from the beginning

They flooded down the porch steps and I braced myself for the tackle putting my hands in front of my face for protection. Before I knew it i was surrounded by 5 guys all somehow squeezing on to me.

"Okay guys I missed you too, but you're suffocating Me." I said, which got them to back off.

But as soon as they stood in front of me I could feel their eyes on me, along with the other boys behind them. They were staring at me in shock. I wondered if I had anything on my face.

“Andy!” I heard a voice shout from behind me, I turned to find Mason a few feet away from me with his arms wide open.

Mason wasn’t that little boy that I remember. He was now taller than me. He has toned muscles, dirty blonde hair, beautiful green eyes and tan skin.

I crashed into Mason for a hug. He lifted me off the ground holding onto me tightly.

When he finally put me down his eyes traveled down my body, I don’t know why but it made me kind of nervous. Which is stupid because it’s Mason.

Mason took my hand and slowly spinned my around.

“Wow, look at you.” Mason said his eyes still on my body.

I took my hand from his and felt his hard bicep.

“Where did those come from?” I asked with a grin.         

“Working out, gotta stay fit for the ladies.” He said which made me laugh.

I turned back towards the boys who were still staring at me

"What are you all staring at?" i asked annoyed.

"Nothing it’s just you look..." John began to say.

"Hot!" said a voice from behind that I recognized as Danny, one of my brothers friends. Saying this earned Danny a smack in the back of the head from Aiden.

“Thanks.” I said hesitantly.

“Don’t say thanks to him. Don’t look at him. Put on a blanket or something.” John said, pushing me through the crowd of boys to my house.

“I didn’t hug them hello. Why are you being so annoying, I just got here.” I said trying to get out of his hold on me.

“No, no, no. no hugging. Just wave. From at least 8 feet away.” John said.

When I got inside I sat on the couch, taking in my surroundings. The picture frame of Dad on the mantle, the dusty fire place, the old couch with 3 different pillows. I actually missed home.

Alex and Chris came in with my suitcase followed by the rest of the guys.

They had made me a welcome home dinner. We all ate and talked, I could tell some of the guys weren’t used to me being all grown up. My brothers kept eyeing the guys that talked to me too long, they were being nuts.

  “Okay if you 3 don’t stop staring at my baby sister I’m going to shove my foot in your ass.” Chris said to Danny, Kevin, & Chase. 

I could tell John was getting anxious. I knew he wanted everyone out so he could yell at me for growing boobs or wearing clothes, something irrational.

“Ok, everyone but Cam and Mason get out!” John screamed.

I heard of few mumbles of anger, and annoyance but that didn’t stop John.

When everyone was out and it was just my 5 brothers there friend Cam, and Mason at the table, I was starting to get angry.

“What the hell is wrong with you guys?” I asked talking to my brothers.

“What’s wrong with us?! You come here looking all… and wearing all… and just making everyone look…” Chris said, in incomplete sentences.

“Okay well. When you find a real reason to be mad get back to me. But until then, I’m going upstairs to unpack.” I said officially annoyed.

“Mase!” I called, as I struggled picking up my suitcase.

“Let me help.” He said with a smile, taking the back from me and easily lifting up the bag.

“Keep the door open!” John screamed.

“Oh bite me!” I screamed back, and stomped up the stairs

All my life it was just me and the boys. My brothers never had a problem, now all of a sudden I grow a pair of boobs and everything’s different.

As soon as I got to my room I found Mason lying on my bed.

Still frustrated at my brothers I began to slam my door open and closed repeatedly to get them mad.

“Andy!” Mason screamed

“What!?” I answered back annoyed.

“Chill out.” He said with a smile, that wasn’t possible to not smile back at.

“Come sit.” He said patting the side of the bed next to him.

Without hesitating I laid beside him, his arm wrapped around me.

“You got hot.” I said breaking the silence.

Usually this would make thing awkward if it was any girl and guy, but this was me and Mason and things were never awkward between me and him.

“Hunny I was always hot. But I can say the same to you.”

“Yeah, accept for the fact I wasn’t always hot.” I said with a sigh

“No you were beautiful back then, and now your just drop dead gorgeous.” He said

“Aw shucks masey, your making me blush.”

“No probs Andy”

“My brothers suck.”

“Cut them some slack, there once little tomboy sister came home all..” he hesitated a bit thinking about what to say, as my eyes were locked on him with one eyebrow  up waiting for him to mess up.

“all?” I said.

“Not so little and tomboyish” he said with a sheepish smile.

“I had to grow up sooner or late babe.” I told him.

“I’d like to see Ryan Ortiz stand you up now.” He said with the shake of his head.

“Oh thanks for reminding me.”

“No really, we start school in a week I bet all the douche and douchettes are going to bow down too you” he said,

“Yeah, if this was some cheesy Disney movie that would probably happen, but it’s not. Its life. And life just sucks.

“Don’t worry Debby Downer. You hate your brothers and everyone else in this crappy town. But you’ll always have me.” Mason said with a grin.

“And babe that’s all I need.”

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