Chapter 16: Doesn't Feel Right

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When I woke up to annoying sound of my alarm clock I turned to see that Mason was gone, which was so unusual. Normally he would get up find something to wear here and then we would leave together to go to school.

I got up and I checked the bathroom, which was empty, and when I went into the kitchen I saw John cooking breakfast.

“Well good morning.” I said as I took a seat at the island in the kitchen and watched John cook.

“Morning.” He replied as he cracked an egg.

“What’re you doing home?” I asked confused, because usually John was at work.

“I took the day off.” John said.

John was a cop, but he was still in school finishing his last year in order to be promoted to a higher rank.

“Cool, you deserve a day off.” I said which was true, John was always working or at school and he deserved to have a little relaxation time.

“Thanks, scrambled eggs?” John asked and I nodded with excitement.

“Are you excited to work on Monday?” John asked as he cooked.

“Yes!” I said with eagerness.

I couldn’t wait to finally get a little sweaty and greasy in a place I feel most comfortable in…under the hood of a car.

While other little girls were playing with Barbie’s and makeup I was playing with wrenches and engines.

“I’m glad.” John said as he placed the plate of eggs in front of me.

“Thanks John.” I said with a smile.

“No problem.” He said and then went and sat down at the kitchen table and read the newspaper.

After I ate I kept glancing at the clock, as I was getting ready for school wondering where Mason was.

It was chilly out so I decided to wear my black leggings, black short leather boots, a white loose t-shirt with a gray skull, a nude cardigan, and a gray beanie.

I heard the horn beep as I was looking at myself in the mirror, I knew it was Mason but I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t coming inside this was so unlike him.

“Baby!” I heard John call breaking me from my thoughts. I grabbed my bag and hurried down the steps.

“Bye John, love you.” I said as I exited the house.

“Hey.” I said as I entered the car expecting Mason to act weird, but he didn’t.

“Hey Andy.” He responded as he started the car. He acted like nothing was wrong when clearly something was wrong….right?

Just because he didn’t stay over the whole night, and didn’t come inside this morning doesn’t mean nothing.

“We’re ok right?” I asked Mason as he continued to drive.

“Yeah of course.” Mason said with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

When he parked the car and we got out of the car and we walked besides each other like we normally do but it didn’t feel right.

The whole way to the front doors of the school I kept trying to convince myself that I was just being paranoid and crazy…everything was fine, even Mason said so.

My thoughts totally vanished once I saw Rick leaning against my locker as Rob, Eric, and Tom, stood by him glaring at him.

“Hey Rick, what’re doing here?” I asked.

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