Starry night...

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{Archer, looks so dam cute in the picture~}

Disclaimer: I do not own trolls (They are DreamWorks Productions) I do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a trolls on the on beat fanfic)

(Warning there is arguing and action that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I don't watch it a lot so forgive me if some characters are a bit ooc)

(As usual,Hope you enjoy this little fic~😘)

Poppy, and the others were back in Branch pod, it has been about 24 hours, since they were at the library. Poppy looked at the others, they were all playing a game. They soon packed it up. Poppy looked up at the clock, it was, 10:30pm at night and they were exhausted. 

"Hey Poppy?" Poppy heard a yawn.

"Yeah?" She answered, it was Biggie speaking.

"Were all going asleep" He spoke, before lying down with the others.

Poppy nodded, she watched am, the others lay down, except one.. 

"Poppy?" A hesitant voice spoke, Branch..

"Yeah?," she questioned back.

"You alright?" He questioned back.

She hesitated, before answering back. This was nearly like the Bergens adventure, except this tribe leaders was capable of, so MUCH more than eating them. He was manipulate, persuasive, and cunning. She could on naming it, like a list...

She knew, there was something suspicious between Archer and Bash, because he looked super nervous like seeing a distant friend again or family member...

Poppy was then brought back to reality, by Branch's, stare. He was, looking at her worried. She then answered.

"I'm, fine"

He looked at her skeptically, but seemed satisfied with the statement.

She then heard even breathing, Branch was asleep. Thank gosh..

Her mind drifted to Branch, he was strong, compassionate and nice, once you got to know him. She was glad,she brought his colours. She knew he loved Creek, and she supported it. It was a surprise, they hadn't gotten together yet though. She chuckled, they still argued like an old married couple. Even when he came to the village, they still argued but they were stubborn, and shy to admit their feelings.

Her mind then drifted to yesterday, at the library when they had the book.


"What's the solutions?" Poppy asked, she held her breath.

"The solutions are..." Branch trailed off.

"There's three of them," He told them.

"Number one. Try to sing to them, and remind them of who they are".

"Number two. Try to reach their memories and make his/her Heart good again".

"Number three..." Branch trailed off, his face in shock.

"Yes?" Poppy asked, nervous.

"Kiss them, if you love them..." Branch confessed, shocked.

Poppy looked in shock, and blushed, big time. She managed to get her face back to normal, a few seconds later.

"Ooookkk..." She trailed off, changing the subject.

"Lets go" she walked away.

The incident seemed forgotten, and they walked away..

His Grasp..{A trolls Poppy x Archer shortfic}Where stories live. Discover now