Chapter 6

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I own none of the characters except for Xia and Diesel. 

Xia sped out of the main control room and down the hallway. Wheeljack went to follow her but Diesel stopped him. "It's better that she be alone", Diesel said stepping in front of him. "Fine but I'm going after her in a few mintues", he protested. Wheeljack paced back and forth waiting for Xia to come back. But she didn't. Wheeljack had enough. He burst through the doors and headed for her room. Diesel walked up to Bulkhead. "Do you think he'll be alright?", she asked him. "As long as Xia's okay, Jackie will be just fine".

Diesel and Bulkhead kept talking until Wheeljack burst into the room. "Prime did you get my message?". "Affirmative Wheeljack. We are tracking her position now". "Wait what happened?", Diesel interrupted. "It's Xia, she's gone", Wheeljack replied. "What do you mean she's gone?!" "Exactly what you think it means". "I understand the concept of being gone Wheeljack, I've been gone too", Diesel said gazing off a bit. Her optics started to blur with fresh coolant in them. "Jackie stop, you upset her", Bulkhead said coming up next to her putting his arm over her shoulder. Her circuits sparked a little bit and her tears dried up. "Thanks Bulkhead", she said smiling at him. Suddenly, Prime interrupted the moment. "We have found her position. I'm going in this alone", Prime said noticing Wheeljack's movements toward the ground bridge. "But I'm her main mech Prime, she'll listen to me". "No, I think Prime should go", Diesel said. "Xia usually listens to authority.

Diesel sat next Bulkhead as Wheeljack paced and glared at her waiting. "Don't mind him", Bulkhead said nudging her. She smiled at him. Then 3 engines revved outside and Prime, Xia and Bluestreak appeared. "Hey", Diesel said getting up walking over to Xia and Bluestreak. "Hey Diesel is that you?", Bluestreak said looking at her. "In the flesh.. Well metal I guess". "I never got a chance to tell you this but thanks for saving my life", he said smiling at her. "Youre very welcome". "So now that we got the introductions are over. Will you two move out the way, my girl was almost blasted back to Primus", Wheeljack said interjecting into the conversation. "Hey what did I tell you about being rude", Xia said punching him in the side. "Yeah I remember, I need to keep my cool", He said rubbing his side. "Forgive him sis, he can be tempermental at times", Xia said eyeing him. "It's okay", Diesel said weakly. Bulkhead could see the look on her faceplates. "Hey Diesel, you want to go for a drive?", Bulkhead suggested trying to get her away from all the madness. "Sure, Let's go".

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