Jungkook's happy mood vanished with the reality of Seokjin's words.  In fact he was pissed off now.  What the hell did he have to do to get this stubborn mule to accept his heart.  He hated every time he let his guard down Seokjin stomped on him.

"Keep running away from me, princess and I'll keep chasing after you till you give in.  I don't care if it takes the rest of my life to have you by my side." Jungkook snarled and voice dropped dangerously low.  It scared the older.

An annoying buzzing from Jungkook's phone broke the heavy tension.  Jungkook ignored it.  He wasn't finished with Seokjin.

"You better answer the phone, Kook-ah.  Could be important."

"You are more important, princess."  

"Stop, please.  Kook-ah.  You are making this so hard.  Please just leave me alone."  Seokjin pleaded with the younger.  Tears slid down his cheeks and dripped onto the table.  Seokjin angrily wiped them away with the sleeve of his shirt.

The buzzing continued. Seokjin snapped and grabbed the younger's phone.

"What do you want?" Seokjin blasted into the phone.  HIs voice pinched with irritation and pain.

"Who the hell is this?  Yinnie?  What the fuck are you answering my husband's phone?"  Yuyu spat back through the line.  Her nerves already on edge now about to boil over with the realization that her husband was with her brother, again.

"Because I just spend last night in his bed and this morning too.  He's buying me breakfast after a night of hot sex and more sex.  I'm tired, my body aches and is sore so I'm gonna let you go.  Goodbye, Yu."  He hung up as his sister was screaming at him.  He didn't care.  He was tired of her shit and just lost it on her.  

Jungkook just sat back, jaw slacked, eyebrows arched, shocked and amused as his perfect little princess finally lost his carefully composed self.  He loved how his princess spat out those dirty words to Yuyu.  Seokjin wasn't one to lose it often but now that he's seen it happen it intrigued him.

"Wow, princess that was incredible.  You finally let your sister have it.  Haha.  I'm so proud of you...."  Seokjin held his hand up in front of Jungkook's face.  "Now wait a minute.  Dont think because I lost my cool and when off on her meant anything.  I was tired of her crap.  Now that I think of it that probably wasn't a good idea to do.  Because now...."

Buzzing started up again.  Both of them looked down at Jungkook's phone.  It was his mother calling.  "Fuck."  They both said in unision.

Jungkook slowly picked up the phone and held it to his ear.  Though he held the phone just slightly away from his ear anticipating shouting and screaming to blare out of the device and he was right.

MJ: "Why did your wife call me just now, hysterial and crying?  I could barely make out what she was saying!"

JK: "Hello Mother.  I don't know what her problem is.  It's probably the fact that the leash attached to my collar broke and I wandered away too far.  Is that it?"

MJ: "Don't get smart with me, Jeon.  You know full well that she's in a delicate condition and upsetting her is a bad idea." His mother explained though Jungkook was barely listening.  His other hand was toying with  Seokjin's.

JK: "Right.  She needs to let this farce of a marriage go.  I'm not going to stay with her.  I'm moving out of the house and I'm taking up with my boyfriend."  Jungkook eyed his princess lovingly.  Seokjin's eyes widen and he pulled his hand away from Jungkook, shaking his head in the process.

MJ: "Absolutely not.  You cannot do this.  You want to become the laughing stock in all of Seoul, the world probably?"

JK: "I don't care what everyone else thinks, Mother.  I love him and I'm going to be with him.  I'm not a married man anymore. Never was."  Jungkook rolled his eyes as his mother continued her babbling.  He eyed his princess and flew him a hand kiss that Seokjin just refused to except.  He turned away from the younger.

Under the Dining Room Table-Jinkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now