Wanting Someone Else's Mate

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Pha had gotten up an hour earlier this morning. He couldn't risk Beam getting a whiff of him and realising they weren't mates. He had come up with the excuse that he was helping a few teachers out this morning which is why he wouldn't be tagging along with Kit and Beam like he does most mornings. If it wasn't for Pha's helpful nature his parents would of been very suspicious. Pha wasn't just leaving early to avoid Beam but he went to visit the witch to make sure the potion was ready for tonight. He would spike Beam's drink tonight and then let it all go from there. 

Visiting the witch had caused Pha to be over an hour late to school so he was completely unaware that Beam had already found his mate and was on his way to being fully mated. It wasn't until lunch that Pha finally realised that Beam was no where to be seen. They had only one class together, which was biology, and since Pha had been late he missed it otherwise he would of known earlier that Beam wasn't at school. Pha entered the cafeteria and began to head over towards their table when he saw a boy he didn't recognise sitting across from Kit. He was only a few metres away when he heard Kit speak up loudly "I will not accept you until you can prove to me that you are truly sincere and really want me as your mate." The boy had a smile across his face before speaking "You will not be disappointed I promise." With that the boy walked out of the cafeteria with a spring in his step.

Pha then walked closer to the table and took a spot right next to Kit before speaking. "What was that all about?" he asked. Kit was startled at Pha's unexpected presence. After he calmed down a little he turned to Pha before he responded "That guy's name is Ming. He is the future beta of the Silent Moon pack and my mate. I told him I wanted to be certain that Ming wanted me and only me before we mated." As it happens on occasion some wolves mate with their true mate but sleep around with other people and Kit didn't want to be in that kind of relationship. "Not a bad idea" Pha replied back "But if I find my mate I don't think I could stop myself from mating with them." He was thinking of tonight and the prospect of Beam finally being his. "Where is Beam by the way?" Pha asked. He was surprised Beam wasn't already in the cafeteria as he loved food. Kit was just as shocked at Beam's absence as Pha was. "I don't know. Didn't you two have biology together this morning?" 

Pha had to think up an excuse and fast. He had missed his first 1 class because he was busy talking with the witch. "Umm...I was helping a teacher move some boxes so I missed my first lesson." If it wasn't common knowledge that Pha would help anyone in need Kit would have been very suspicious but luckily Kit didn't question him further. "I'm sure Beam will turn up sooner or later. Perhaps he has found his mate and is spending some quality time with them" Kit suggested. Pha shivered at that thought. Beam couldn't of possibly found his mate yet. Most wolves don't find their mates for at least a couple of months so that couldn't be the case yet a small part of him couldn't help but be filled with dread at the prospect of Beam in the arms of another. 

"I'm sure he just got caught up with some work or something no need to get worried" Kit said when he noticed Pha tensed at the thought of Beam with his mate. He didn't understand why Pha would be so concerned about it but maybe he was just worried that Beam might end up with a complete idiot for a mate. "Yeah you're right. I just want the best for Beam and you. We'll see him tonight and all will be fine" Pha responded, trying to calm his nerves. The thought of Beam off with his mate and maybe even completing the mating ritual scared him more than anything. Beam was meant to be with him and he couldn't let his plans go to waste. He was sure that even if Beam had found his mate that it would be awhile before they mated and it easied his heart, if only a little. 

As lunch dragged on Pha started asking Kit questions about his mate. At one point Pha even considered making it seem like both Kit and Beam were his mates because he felt no one was good enough for either of them. Alas having 2 mates was extremely rare and only ever happened with twins so that ruled out that option. At least for now Kit hadn't agreed to mate with Ming and if things didn't go well he wasn't stuck with a useless mate. 

As the day dragged on Pha couldn't shake the feeling that Beam had indeed found his mate and was now in the arms of some stranger. Of course he was positive that Beam wouldn't mate so soon but it would make it so much harder to convince Beam that he was in fact his mate. His mind kept wandering in class that he failed to hear the bell signally the end of school for the day. As he sat there in his seat he wondered what it would be like when Beam was officially his, when Beam was proclaimed as his mate and marked as so. What he didn't know was that Beam had not only found his mate but had already mated. Forth and Beam were now one and nothing could tear them apart not even Pha, who would be so devastated when the truth is revealed. All his hard work ended in vain as there was nothing he could do now, not that he knew it just yet but he would soon, very soon. 

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