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"emily jones"

older twin
i know you're not okay with the whole tomdaya thing

younger twin
i don't know
i mean it's not like tom cheated on me
we're not together
but he confessed

older twin
i know
how do you feel about him?

younger twin
i don't know

older twin
okay, as much as i hate to say this..
i can't force you to like someone
if you don't like tom, it's okay

younger twin
that's the problem
i don't know if i do like him or not
i can't say i don't like him bc sometimes, he makes me feel these feelings in my chest
feelings i'm not aware of

older twin
what kind?

younger twin
well there was this one time when he smiled my heart started beating fast
when he gave me that teddy bear and we hugged, i felt it again
when he confessed, i felt it again

older twin
i can't speak for you but you wanna know what i think?
i think you do like him

younger twin
what do i do?

older twin
well, you could continue being friends with him and finding out what you truly feel

younger twin
what if i lead him on and in the end i have no feelings for him?
i don't want to hurt him

older twin
i know you don't
but we don't know what's bound to happen, nor can we control it
just go with it and see what happens

younger twin
you're right
i like this version of you
serious and genuine

older twin
yeah well i want my ship back together so..

younger twin
and she's back

older twin

published: 8-8-19

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