13 - real life

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real life!

hailey frowned when tom didn't return her smile and instead, he looked away.

ever since the day she told him "you're my nerd too" he had been distant. he left the message on read and the next day, tom avoided her as much as possible.

it had been four days ever since tom started avoiding hailey. she was confused, hurt. why would he suddenly not talk to her?

chris and lizzie (aka her "parents") had noticed this and asked hailey what's wrong. they know everything and soon, the whole cast knew about it too. emily knew this too and she was sad for her twin (also because her ship isn't interacting). hailey avoided to tell gavin because she knows he'll roast tom real bad.

maeve, tom's older sister, knew about this and had asked what's wrong. tom didn't tell her. he couldn't, he was having a hard time expressing his feelings.

"you okay?" sebastian (or what he liked to be called, hailey's coolest "uncle" ever) asked, noticing the frown on her face.

"no," the brunette shook her head, "he's still avoiding me."

seb sighed, offering hailey a donut from his krispy kreme box. she shook her head, slumping down on her seat and leaning her cheek on the left palm of her hand. seb was shook; hailey never declines krispy kreme donuts. only now, and it was because of this beef with tom.

"i'll be right back." seb said, standing up and leaving hailey.

he marched towards tom's trailer, not even bothering to knock. tom spun around and saw seb entering his trailer.

"you," seb pointed his finger at tom.

he immediately knew it's about hailey so he gulped.

"why are you avoiding her?"

truth is, tom didn't want to avoid her. he just didn't know what to do.

he's getting all these feelings for hailey, ones he doesn't know and doesn't know how to handle. it was freaking him out, bloody scaring him. he didn't know who to talk to. he couldn't talk to the mcu cast about it, he couldn't talk to maeve about it, he tried talking to haz (osterfield) about it but he can't.

he definitely can't talk to hailey about it.

"earth to tom?" seb slapped tom's face, not that hard, and it snapped tom out of his thoughts.

"just tell her i'm sorry," was all tom said before leaving his trailer, leaving a confused seb.

published: 2-6-19

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