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Like I said, this started on FanFiction. If you want to see it there, it's under the same title. I'll publish what I have so far. Thanks for reading! It is my first published Wattpad work.

I searched my head for something smooth. I came up empty.

"Um... hehe. Er... Hi. I'm uh... Ben. Pleasure to meet you." My whole face turned tomato red.

"Smooth," Mike hissed under his breath with a snicker. I kicked him in the shin.

Audrey was a blonde beauty and contrary to the stereotype, looked very intelligent. She had a bright smile and smooth skin, without a trace of a pimple. She had a delicate build and intensity in her gaze that reminded me of Erica. She seemed warm and friendly, which is the complete opposite of Erica, although I had no doubt both of them could flatten me in a second. I guessed that she was around fifteen or sixteen, but she could have passed for much older.

She smiled sweetly, "Oh right! You must be the famous Smokescreen I've heard about! I've been wanting to meet you! I'm Audrey. It's great to meet you!" She held her delicate hand out to me. Not only was she pretty, she was very polite too.

I shook it, praying my hands weren't clammy, "Hi. I'm uh... as I said, Ben Ripley. It's great to meet you too." I gave her my most charming smile, which wasn't much.

Mike butted in, not liking how well we were getting along, "Yeah, so I was laughing so hard! The ball hit him right in the face!" He laughed hysterically, finishing the story they were talking about. She gave a fake laugh, which Mike sagged at behind her back. He was used to being the center of attention, especially around hot girls. He didn't like the fact that I was hogging her attention.

"So, I've got to go. I'll see all of you around," Jawa smiled and walked away.

"So, Ben, I've heard so much about you!" Audrey gave a stunning smile, "You were the guy who defeated that enemy organization a few times, right?"

I beamed, proud about this fact. I puffed my chest out a tiny bit, "Yeah, it wasn't that big of a deal." I tried to sound humble, but it didn't work. Mike frowned. He hated her attention diverted back to me. Someone's jealous.

"No a big deal? Didn't you stop New York from being blown up?" Audrey gave a laugh. It wasn't a cute giggle, but a good laugh. Not only was she hot as heck, she also seemed down to earth. I felt my feelings start to shift to her immediately. I felt like I was betraying Erica somehow, but we weren't in a relationship (don't worry; I tried) and she even tried to deny friendship with me, so starting to crush on Audrey wasn't a big deal, right?

"Yes, I guess I did," my confidence was slowly coming back, "But it was a team effort."

Mike gave a sarcastic, fake laugh, "Yeah. More like just took the credit! Ben's spy skills are the lousiest anyone's seen in a long time. He's just gotten lucky because that Erica Hale girl I was talking about bailed him out the whole time." Audrey turned to him, a little surprised on how he was talking to me. Her eyes widened a bit.

I, for one, was shocked. I've never seen Mike act this way to me. Mike has been my best friend since we were three! Is this how he acts to all guys who likes the same girl? Mike and I've liked the same girl before, but it was always evident who she was going to choose (hint: it wasn't me). But in this situation, Mike knew he was losing his edge. I turned to Mike, surprised. I was going to say something polite, yet firm, but Audrey beat me to it.

"Perhaps, but aren't you just going to be a second year? Isn't Ben going to be a third year?" Audrey gave him a smile, but I could see the venom behind it. I got a glimpse on how intimidating she could be as a spy.

"Um... well, yeah, but I started just last year. They wanted me to start as a first, even though I'm the same age as Ben. They do that with all new students." Mike sputtered.

"Hmmm..." Audrey considered this, "Then why did I start here a few days ago and start as a fourth year?" She smirked. Mike's face turned bright red. I secretly smiled. Mike was being mean and just got called out for it, by a girl he was trying to impress no less. Roasted.

"I well-er... I-" Mike scrambled for a sentence.

"So Ben," Audrey completely ignoring him, "What parts of the espionage world do you have trouble with? I heard you were super smart."

I smiled at the compliment, "I have an uncanny gift for numbers. So math is my strongest suit. I can write an essay, do any normal school thing. But at this school, I'm struggling with the physical part of spying, like the weaponry and hand-to-hand combat. I'd never incounterned anything like this."

Audrey smiled sympathetically. She is so darn pretty and kind. "Yeah, I could see that. I'm pretty skilled in that stuff, thus I skipped four grades here, because I won multiple state competitions in California for karate, judo and mixed martial arts. That's how the CIA found me. I also lived on a farm for a while, so I could shoot a gun, launch an arrow, and survive in the wilderness."

"Oh that's awesome!" And it was. In fact, it was even awesomer that I have been talking to a pretty girl for this long without wetting my pants or her friends whisking her away.

"Yeah, I guess. Hey, I'll make you a deal: You help me through Spy School this year, I can tell you know the ropes, and I'll help you shoot a gun and with hand-to-hand combat. Sound fair?"

I grinned. Yes, it sounded more than fair. Not only can I help Audrey with the school, I can also have an excuse to hang out with her. Plus I need all the help I can get. It's a win-win!

"Yeah! Sure! I'd love to!" I said. Mike growled under his breath.

"Great! No one better to help me navigate this school other than the famous Smokescreen himself!" She smiled kindly with a hint of excitement. Or maybe that was just my imagination.

Spy School: Clash of SpiesWhere stories live. Discover now