Faded Pt 2

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"Better leave her alone," Keefe said and gripped Fitz's Foxfire uniform, dragging him in the other direction.

He silently asked her if she was okay.

She shook her head, pulled out her home crystal, and leaped away; only leaving swirling dust.

But what she didn't realize, was the tears streaming down her face, a picture that would be forever etched in Keefe's mind.

We Continue

As soon as Sophie was gone, Fitz whipped around to face Keefe.

"Why'd you drag me away? I was trying to help her" He demanded.

"Because things were getting ugly, and I'm pretty sure she was gonna start throwing some punches."

Keefe responded, trying to lighten up the mood, but it didn't work.

Fitz sighed and rolled his eyes "Well, now she leaped to who knows where, and-"

"Actually she went home, so I think she'll be fine, she just needs to cool down a little bit; and also, are you and Biana really friends with Foster? Or are you just pretending?"

"Of course Biana and I are friends with Sophie." Fitz snapped "Speaking of Biana, I should go get her, we're going home."

Fitz started walking briskly towards study hall, and Keefe followed.

As they got there, they saw loads of prodigies conversing in hushed whispers as all eyes turned to Biana who started crying once she saw Fitz and rushed towards the entrance, with Stina smirking, watching the whole scene unfold.

Fitz then spotted Dex, and asked him "Can you please go make sure Sophie's okay? She's at her house."

Dex looked surprised that Fitz was talking to him, and muttered about being wonderboy's errand boy, but conceded and pulled out a leaping crystal and leaped away.

When Biana got up to them, they all exited the study hall, Keefe leaping the Candleshade, and the Vackers to Everglen.

Good thing it was Friday; hopefully, they'd all be back to being friends on Monday.

The Next Morning.

Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt!

Keefe woke up to the sound of his imparter ringing.

He groggily looked at his clock, and it read 7:30.

Ugh, why is Fitz up so early? He thought but accepted the call.

"Fitz, why are you calling me at 7:30 in the morning?" Keefe questioned, "I'm a growing boy you know, I need my beauty rest."

"Keefe," Fitz said, looking serious "It's Sophie and Dex" then, a small tear ran down Fitz's face, and he had to clear his throat a couple times before continuing.

"They're both dead." 

To be continued...

To be continued

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    -Rose 🥀

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