5. Awake

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The iconic voice of Lady Gaga was heard in the cortex of STAR Labs. A young male and female were hovering over the body of Barry. "What are you doing?" the female named Caitlin Snow asked.

"He likes this song." Cisco Ramon, the male, replied giddily. Caitlin asked Cisco how he figured that out, him answering that he checked Barry's Facebook page. Poker Face continued playing in hopes of getting slight a change in his condition. It had been nine months since the explosion. Nine months of Barry and Brea being comatose, no major progression made to their recovery. Central City fell silent after that night. Everyone in town buried the memories and tried to move pass the tragedy.

"Auditory functions are the last sensory faculties to degenerate." Caitlin confirmed. Both scientists walked away from Barry, Cisco singing along to music and Caitlin checking over any changes in the patient. A loud gasp scared the life out of Cisco. Barry had sprung up from his hospital bed, as if he just came back from the dead.

"He's up." Caitlin obviously stated.

"Dr. Wells, get down to the cortex, like, right now." Cisco said into his phone.

Barry held a panicked look in his eyes as he tried to adjust from his long nap. His breathing was heavy and he was eager to get up and moving. Cisco tried to get him to calm down, introducing himself and Caitlin, or Dr. Snow, also explaining his whereabouts and what happened to him. Caitlin wasn't making it any easier for the adjustment, shoving a cup in his face for her to take a urination sample.

"What is-what is happening? What is going on?" Barry frantically asked.

Cisco was the first to jump in. "You were struck by lightning, dude."

Barry turned his body to a nearby tv with a camera, seeing a reflection of his body. "Lightning gave me abs?"

"Your muscles should be atrophied, but instead they're in a chronic and unexplained state of cellular regeneration." Caitlin explained.

Cisco dragged Barry back to the bed, making him take a seat. "You were in a coma."

"For how long?" Barry questioned.

"Nine months" a familiar voice said. In the doorway, Dr. Harrison Wells sat in his wheelchair, happy to see one of the two patients up on their feet. "Welcome back, Mr. Allen. We have a lot to discuss."

Giving Barry merch from STAR Labs, the two began their adventure to where it all began. "It's hard to believe I'm here. I always wanted to meet you face to face." Barry expressed to his idol.

"Yeah? Well, you certainly went to great lengths to do it. S.T.A.R. Labs has not been operational since FEMA categorized us as a class four hazardous location. 17 people died that night, many more were injured, myself amongst them." They approached a balcony and Barry peered over it. Down below, a damaged machine laid under a rumble of rocks. Barry sounded shocked as he asked what happened.

"Nine months ago, the particle accelerator went online exactly as planned." Wells started. "For 45 minutes, I had achieved my life's dream and then-then there was an anomaly. The electron volts became unmeasurable, the ring under us popped. Energy from that detonation was thrown into the sky and that, in turn, seeded a storm cloud-"

"That created a lightning bolt that struck me." Barry caught on.

"I was recovering myself when I heard about you. The hospital was undergoing unexplainable power outages every time you were going into cardiac arrest, which was actually a misdiagnosis because, you see, you weren't flatlining, Barry. Your heartbeat was moving too fast for the EKG to register it." They began their walk back to the cortex.

"Now, I'm not the most popular person in town these days, but Detective West and his daughter gave me permission to bring you here where we were able to stabilize you ." Dr. Wells failed to mention the condition of the other West member, not exactly knowing why.

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