The Beginning

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Red and yellow surrounded Nora Allen, her on her knees, screaming in terror. A young Barry Allen stood in shock as the scene unfolded before him. His dad, Henry, later joined and both began screaming. "Nora! Stay Back! Nora, hold on!," said Henry. He then looked at his son, "Run, Barry. Run!" In a blink of an eye, Barry found himself outside, far from his house. He ran 20 blocks back to his home only to see his dad in handcuffs.

"Dad, why are they taking you?" He questioned.

"Barry, don't go in the house."

"Where's Mom?"

"What's gonna happen to my son?" Henry asked the officers.

Ignoring his father's orders, Barry ran into the house and saw a familiar face in the police force. "Joe, you know these people?" An officer asked, walking up to the man.

"My daughters are best friends with their kid." Joe replied, squatting in front of the covered body. The officer offered his condolences and the two walked away, not seeing Barry by the door. Once the two were out of sight, the little boy walked up to the body and revealed his mother. She laid still, eyes still wide as if that moment was on a loop in her mind. Barry tried to wake her up, but Joe came to comfort him and covered Nora's body back up.


Two little girls waited for their father to get home. Iris, the oldest, was flipping through channels on the television while Brea, a few years younger, was sketching. The girl had an active imagination when it came to art. Keys jingled from the other side of the front door and Joe walked in with Barry. The man decided to become his legal guardian since the boy didn't have any other relatives to live with.

"Hey Barry!" Iris greeted, running over to give him a hug.

"Barry, come look at what I drew this time." Brea grabbed Barry and pulled him to where she was originally sitting. "I don't have a name for it, but he can make people happy by looking into their eyes. The glasses are to make him look cooler."

Barry giggled and was easily distracted from his depressive state. "I like it. What else did you draw?"

She pulled out her other sketches, telling stories about each person and their apparent powers. There was one of a man engulfed in fire and another of a woman that could teleport. Joe was amazed by his daughter's artistic skills, one day asking her where she gets these ideas from. "I see them in my dreams." She told him.

After Joe became Barry's guardian, he saw how easily Barry adjusted to being in their household. Bonding with Brea and Iris wasn't hard, for they were already friends beforehand, but Brea and Barry became a dynamic duo. They were a little closer than he and Iris, despite the small age difference, but the trio always stuck together. One day, Brea and Barry snuck away to go to Iron Heights, something Barry wanted to do for awhile after moving in. Iris promised to cover for them as they made the trip. Joe entered the home with a bag of groceries in hand, seeing Iris at the dinner table and noticing the silence in the house. "Where's your sister?"

"Sleeping." Iris said, not looking up from her work.

"Mhmm, and where's Barry?"

"Taking a shower."

"At three o'clock in the afternoon? If I go upstairs, am I gonna see them? or are you gonna be grounded for a week for lying to me?"

"I'm sorry, Daddy, but don't worry. I know where they went." Iris told him. Joe had an idea of where they could've gone and made his way back out the door.

Brea and Barry arrived at their destination and was told to wait in a seating area. An officer came through the door with Henry Allen by his side. Barry ran to give his dad a hug, but the officer stopped him, saying there is no physical contact, but granted them five minutes.

"Sit down, son." Henry gestured to the table before taking his own seat. "Barry, how did you get here?

"I ran here with Brea. Joe wouldn't bring me. He wouldn't let me see you. I hate him." Henry finally noticed the small girl and motioned her to come over. "Does your dad know you're here?" Brea shook her head, knowing she would soon face trouble, whether it be from Henry or her own father. Henry turned back to his son, ready to tell the truth.

"It isn't Joe that doesn't want you to come here. I don't want you to come here. I don't want you to see me like this." Barry looked to the officers, begging to let his father go. He rambled off about the lightning man, Brea cosigning. She was the only one that believed what happened the night Nora was killed. Like all of her sketches, she had seen the man in the yellow lightning in her dreams. They were more like nightmares, the way his eyes glowed red and the dark feeling he brought.

"Hey, look at me, you two. You can't help me." Henry said, accepting his defeat. Joe watched from the exit as the meeting was coming to an end. Henry directed his attention back to his son. "Now Joe's gonna look after you until I can get out of here. You just be the good boy that your mom and I know you are. Now, I want the two of you to look after each other, okay? Can you promise me that?"

"I promise, Mr. Allen." Brea gave the man a hug before joining her father's side. She was granted a week long punishment for leaving the house and having her sister lie for her. With a final hug between father and son, Henry was taken back into custody and Barry went back home with the West family. He enjoyed being apart of their family. Barry, Iris, and Brea were as thick as thieves and over the years, feelings were running deep between each other. Brea was falling for Barry, Barry was falling for Iris, and Iris was oblivious to it all. Brea didn't want to act on her feelings, not wanting to ruin Barry's chance with Iris and most importantly their friendship. She knows that if it were meant to be, he'd somehow find his way to her.

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