3. Home Sweet Home

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The fresh air of Central City was sweet as usual. There weren't any drastic changes to Brea's home from what she remembered, just the occasional new buildings on the street. The woman managed to sneak back into her house late at night, not waking up her father or sister. She wanted to surprise them with her return. Knowing that her dad would be at CCPD working a new case, that was her first stop.

Brea saw him standing in a room, most likely looking over some paperwork. "I'm glad to see that you're still putting the bad guys away. Old age hasn't caught up with you yet?"

"Brea! My baby girl." Detective Joe West was excited for his daughter's return. He hasn't spoken to her in awhile. After receiving her associate's degree, Brea made the plans to travel. Joe tried to keep up with what was going on in her life, but both were pretty occupied. "When did you get back?"

"Late last night. Thank God you didn't change the locks. I didn't tell you or Iris I was coming back so I could surprise you guys."

"Well, consider me surprised. Hey, I have to get back to this case. Another bank robbery, but Iris is upstairs with Barry in his lab."

Brea gave her father a final hug and kiss on the cheek before making her way up the steps. She could hear Iris complaining about eating cronuts and "being more muffin top than woman." Barry told the oldest West daughter that she looked amazing. Brea knew that wasn't directed to her, but thought it was a good idea to make it her dramatic entrance.

"I sure hope you were talking about me, Allen." Brea said in the doorway.

Barry and Iris snapped their heads towards the entryway, the added voice scaring them a little. Iris' smile grew from cheek to cheek seeing her little sister. Barry's smile wasn't as wide, but it was evident. Iris and Brea exchanged a heart to heart moment, Iris asking Brea where she's been and why she hasn't been calling in the past year.

"I called dad while I was still in school. My plan was to see the world afterwards, create art in every country imaginable, but I've been...busy." If Brea mentioned staying in Starling, Iris wouldn't stop talking her ear off about their popular vigilante. Her excitement would overpower Barry's when she seen him. Hell, if she had told her dad before, he probably would have brought her home himself. "So, what were you guys talking about?" Brea asked, changing the subject.

"This event at S.T.A.R Labs Barry wants me to go to. What's so important about this particle accelerator anyway?" Iris answered, then directed her attention back to Barry.

The excited glint appeared in his sparkling green eyes, making Brea's stomach tumble around. "Harrison Wells' work in quantum theory is light years ahead of anything they're doing at cern." He explained.

"You're doing that thing where you're not speaking English." Brea joked.

"Okay. Just imagine" Barry walked over to his dry erase board and drawing a tiny circle with the marker. "That that dot is everything the human race has ever learned until this moment."

"Does that include twerking?" Iris asked.

Barry made a bigger circle around the dot. "That is everything we could learn from the particle accelerator. It's a whole new way of looking at physics. It will literally change the way that we think about everything."

"So you mean to tell me that all of those years of nearly failing science class would be for nothing once this machine turns on?" asked Brea.

"You got to get yourself a girlfriend." Iris told him.

Another voice interrupted the trio. "Hey, leave him alone. He's working." Joe entered.

"Hi, Dad." Iris chuckled. "Look who's back!"

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