13. Back in Starling

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Brea had been away from Team Flash for about a week. She decided it was time to start basic training in self defense, but had to call in some special forces to help with that. Last week, Oliver, Felicity, and Diggle came to Central City, following a lead on their own case. Brea had missed the trio tremendously and thought it would be best to go back to Starling when their time was up. Much to Joe and Barry's refusal, and Cisco begging on his knees for her to not leave him all by himself, she left anyway with promises she won't be gone long. There, she sparred with Roy and Oliver frequently, and retired to her old seat next to Felicity when the men had to go out in the field. This time, she had accompanied Felicity to her job to get away from the dark basement of Verdant.

For the past hour, Brea has been flipping through old childhood memories, looking for answers she truthfully wouldn't understand when she finds them. When Team Arrow came to Central City, they helped Team Flash with a meta human that had the ability to ignite anger into anyone that looked into his eyes. Unfortunately, Barry was one of his targets and that was not a pretty event to witness. Ever since then, Brea was confused as to why the case felt so familiar. The itch to figure it out became more evident and her gut instinct told her to look through old sketches. She remembered as a child having wild, imaginative dreams, and using up countless of paper to draw what she saw. Those dreams dissipated as soon as she came of age, but it also deepened her love for the arts.

"Okay, I've been listening to rustled papers for God knows how long. I'm bored out of my mind and the sound might make me go crazy. What are you doing?" asked Felicity.

Brea sighed and fell back in her chair. "I don't know. Last week's case has been bothering me since it started, like I've seen Rainbow Raider before. Something told me to look through my old sketches but nothing's stuck out to me yet." At that moment, Felicity had walked to her side and began sifting through the sketches as well.

"Wow, these are a lot of drawings. What the heck is this thing?" She asked, picking up one of the papers.

The drawing wasn't one Brea remembered doing, but she saw the scribbled signature at the bottom and giggled. "Barry actually drew that. He wasn't the best artist, but it was nice when we both sat and did it together."

"There's a lot more things you guys can do together." Felicity said slyly with a side glance to Brea.

"Don't start. Please."

"All I will say is you two would make a cute couple. Two superhumans redefines the meaning of a power couple." Felicity heard footsteps approaching behind her and she called out thinking it was a colleague shooing her out the building. "We're almost done here, Jerry."

"Who's Jerry?" Caitlin asked. Brea hadn't expected to see her science friends so soon. Though it hasn't been long since she left, she had to admit it felt nice being in their presence again. Caitlin explained she and Cisco were in the city to analyze the arrow Felicity gave them, but by the look on Cisco's face, Brea knew that wasn't all.

"They want to see the Arrow Cave." Brea said. "By the way, we don't call it that. Ever."


Oliver's grouchiness never fails to make an appearance when people come around. Cisco, being the big kid he is, wanted to touch everything. Brea hid her giggles every time Oliver had to tell Cisco not to touch anything.

"Since when did we start selling admission to the Arrow Cave?" asked Roy.

"It's not...you see what you did." Oliver gave Brea a pointed look.

Cisco rambled on about the improvements he wanted to make to Oliver and Roy's suits. Moments later, the team was pinged to Diggle's location. He was with Lyla to get a lead on their boomerang case. Thanks to Oliver throwing Brea into the deep end, she was more than prepared to tag along with him and Roy.

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