Your not alone Sydney...

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Hayes's Pov:

When Sydney had arrived we had already took our photos so it was just her left to shoot. When she was done having Sierra put makeup on her she walks over to Bryant and he starts doing what he does best. Photography.

I sat behind him while he was shooting Sydney and she looked good. They had the fan blowing on her for awhile and she wasn't really smiling. She was doing more of a serious face and then her poutty face. Then just one of her with no emotion.

But she looked good. Cameron comes up behind me while she is still getting photos took and says "Dude I wouldn't if I were you, Bryant will get pissed. Anyway the Jack's want to know about her and who she is."

I nod and walk over to the boys. They all had a secret expression on their faces. I say "What's up guys?" The Jack's say "Hayes we know.." I look at them confused, I say "Know what?" Nash says "Bro it is obvious. We know you have feelings for Syd." I look over at her and smile, then back at them. They all laugh.

I say "What?" Cameron says "Dude your blushing." I look down at the ground and sigh when I was about to say something I hear her coming up behind me and she says "What you guys whispering about?" They all look up and are stiff. Me, I was just laughing to myself. I was going to get back at them for making me blush.

I turn around and say "Oh nothing the Jack's think your attractive and don't want to ask for your number, so they are trying to get it from me."

She puts one hand on my shoulder and says "Now we won't want that now do we. I have only had it for what 3 days now? Speaking of phone where is my phone?"

I pull it out of my pocket. I hand it to her and say "Sierra gave it to me. Your notifications are blowing up."

She takes it and smiles. She turns to go back and look at the pictures but I walk over to her and say "Sydney I was wondering, would you come over and hang out at Nash's place and maybe we can finish editing your video?" She looks up from her phone and says "I would like that. But I would like to go home first." I nod and say "I bet, come over when you can, Cameron is coming too. Him and Nash are doing a video too."

She smiles and nods. Then turns to go back to Bryant.

Sydney's Pov:

When I was standing there getting my pictures took I could hear the guys talking about me, Hayes was standing up for me actually. I mean I like him but it is way too soon for me to be in a relationship, and I barely know him.

I have been out of that place for 3 days and I am already falling for someone. But how can you not!

The way he looks at you and then smirks for no reason. Then the way his eyes sparkle in the sunlight. And the way he runs his hands through his hair when he is upset or stressed. But most of all the way he cares about you when your cold and when you just want to fall asleep, and the way he will give you his jacket when your cold making him even colder. I mean I notice everything about him in anyway possible. It is insane.

Was I seriously falling for a guy I had only known for the first 3 days of my freedom? When I was done looking at all of the amazing pictures that Bryant had took I walk over to the boys and pull Cam to the side.

I say to him "Hey can you run me home so I can change and then take me to Nash and Hayes's house please? They said you were going over there too?" He was in his phone doing whatever. I yell "Cameron!" He didn't look up. Then I had to like nudge him. I say "CAMERON DALLAS!" He looks up at me finally and says "Oh yeah hold on, it's twitter."

I sigh and go and grab my bag. Sierra was over there. She says "You okay Syd?" I look up and sigh. I say "Yeah I guess. I just wish I was able to drive. Hayes invited me to come over with Cameron tonight so he can help me finish editing my new video. And Cameron and Nash were going to be doing a video too."

She looks over at Cameron and says "Oh I can take you home, I will talk to Cameron for you. He will listen to me."

I sat down and was just messing around on my phone when Hayes turns around and starts walking over to me. He kneels down next to my feet and says "You okay Sydney?" I look up and a tear falls for no apparent reason. I say "I don't know just stressed. I mean sometimes I feel like I am invisible."

He sits down on the couch next to me and sets his hand on my shoulder. He says "Sydney, your not invisible. Sometimes the guys get jealous of me when I start hanging out with a girl because they think I won't be committed to our group anymore. But they are wrong. We are just friends, and right now I see you as nothing more then that. I have only known you for 3 days and that is way to soon to be asking you to be my girlfriend. But Sydney, if you think your invisible in their eyes, your not. Your the first person I look for when I go over to Cameron's house, because I know you have gone through a lot and I manage to take your mind off of that, right?"

I look at him and nod. He whips the tear away and says "Don't cry Sydney, you will ruin your freshly new makeup." I laugh and smile. He opens his arms for me to hug him and I do. He knows me so well.

I know people may think we are rushing things, but really he just knows how to make me laugh at the right time and I really like that about him. He can be funny when the right time is needed.

I stand up and Hayes walks me to Sierra's car. He says "I will see you soon, make sure you bring your laptop." I smile and nod. He opens the door for me and I get in, he shuts the door for me and Sierra walks out right in time.

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