(03) Basketball Team

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I wonder what they'll be like..."

"Are they coming today?!"

Why would a new student cause so much excitement? Sometimes it was hard to understand people...

"Alright, class! In your seats please!" A louder feminine voice spoke up and I turned my head in time to see the teacher walk past me and toward her desk. She was tall and had dark curly blonde hair with glasses over her dark eyes.

Instantly, the class straightened up and got in their seats with smiles. And they still didn't notice me. Am I really that invisible? That stray thought crossed my mind from time-to-time. No helping or answering it though.

"Today we have a new student, so if you could please make your way to the front of the class." The teacher spoke up, causing the students to mutter to themselves in excitement. When a few seconds passed of no one moving, the teacher looked confused and looked around. "Um, is she absent?"

I sighed, and stepped to where I would be in her direct line of sight. "Hello."

An instant scream and shocked gasps all around. All in a day's work, really.

"Wh-where—? When did you get there?" The teacher shivered, looking at me with slight fright.

"I've been in here since you walked in, sensei. I'm just not that noticeable." I would probably be hurt by their expressions if I didn't have to deal with it every day of my life since I've been a child.

"O-oh... So sorry about that," She hastily apologized, which caused me to almost smile. "I am Nakuta Tsuno, your homeroom teacher. Please introduce yourself to the class."

I nodded and turned around so I was at the front and at full attention. I politely bowed to them all before beginning. "Hello, I am Kuroko Setsuko. It's a pleasure to meet you all, I hope we can get along."

There was silence, before I heard a yelp from a boy in the back. My eyes zeroed in on him, and he looked shocked and confused as he stared at me. The boy had short spiky brown hair and brown eyes. Then the class started clapping, and I blinked. I wasn't really expecting that, but the positive atmosphere made me smile a little.

"You can sit in the empty seat beside Furihata Kouki, Furihata-kun, please raise your hand so Kuroko-san can see you." Sensei called out, and I saw the same dazed boy raise his hand. Ah, fate is a tricky mistress.

I walked through the aisle toward the seat, picking up different whispers from my classmates along the way.

"Wow, isn't she so pretty? I wonder what type of conditioner she uses for her hair!"

"Whoa, she came out of nowhere! Think she's a ghost or something?"

"Yes! It's a girl, and a pretty one. Think I got a chance with her?"

My face didn't show any emotions, but I was mentally laughing. This class would be interesting, and maybe I could make a few friends. I know Tet-chun would be sad if I didn't make any...

I sat down in the empty seat and put my school bag down on my lap. I turned to look at the still gaping and confused brunet beside me. "Nice to meet you, Furihata-kun." I nodded my head toward him, which must have done the trick on snapping him out of whatever trance he was in.

"Uh, yeah, nice to meet you too — Kuroko-san..." Why did he sound so confused?

At that time, Nakuta-sensei called us to attention and we started the lesson. I was very grateful to both Himito and Tetsuya for helping to teach me and keeping me up-to-date on what I should know. I would be lost and probably still be on middle-school level education if not for them.

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