(03) Basketball Team

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 A/N: Hellooo~ How is everyone doing? Hopefully good, here to bring yet another chapter! (I write a lot in this one =P) This one is where Setsuko gets settled in school and meets Kuroko's teammates~

{DISCLAIMER} I do not own Kuroko no Basket! If I did, the manga wouldn't have ended so abruptly! *still ticked off about that*


                             (03) Basketball Team

Seirin High School wasn't too big of a school, but that was just fine with me. I found it really pretty with the cherry blossom trees around, looks like Himito really came through with the whole 'save the cherry blossoms' campaign she told me about.

My morning has been an odd one so far. I had been awakened by something licking my face and opened my eyes to see a small black and white husky staring right at me — with the same eyes. It was strange that Tetsuya's puppy, Nigou, had the same eyes as us, but he was cute all the same. I slept in too late to help Grandmother with breakfast like I wanted to, but she said it was fine. I had the pleasure of tasting her homemade, scrumptious meal again. So that was a major plus to a good first day for me.

Upon arriving and checking in to the principal's office (while being ignored for a total of five minutes, would of been more if the secretary hadn't bumped into me and almost spilled her coffee), I was disappointed to see I wasn't in the same class as Tet-chun. I wouldn't know any of my classmates, and I wasn't exactly the most noticeable person there was...

"I'll see you at lunch at least," Tet-chun tried cheering me up, and I tried to be happy — for his sake more than mine — but I kinda failed because he physically tried to make me smile by lifting the corners of my mouth with his thumbs.

"Tet-chun!" I yelled as I tried to get away, and successfully managed to do so.

"You look prettier when you smile, Nee-san." He stated bluntly, and I huffed a bit.

"Are you saying I'm not pretty without a smile?" I asked him as we walked through the halls together — everyone effectively ignoring us. Yes, another plus. No getting stepped on.

Tetsuya stopped at the door that led into my classroom. Class 1-D. I sort of shivered a bit. "No, Setsuko-nee is the prettiest girl there is, it's just a smile really lights up your features." And his own smile lit up his face. Precious.

I smiled back, I just couldn't help it. "Aw, I can always count on my adorable Tet-chun!" I squeezed his cheeks a bit, to which he complained, but didn't move my hands away — he honestly liked the attention, we were both like that in that way. "But you know, your smile is even better. See you at lunch!"

He saw me off and I watched him walk down the crowded hallway before breathing in deeply. Okay, you can do this Setsuko. Just introduce yourself calmly and all will be good. I felt a breeze then and instantly pulled down my skirt even though I already knew it wouldn't get longer. And why do the uniforms have to be this short?!

I breathed out, and walked into the classroom.

Inside, there was chatter among the students and it seemed the teacher wasn't in yet. Fortunately, no one seemed to notice me as I stood there in the front of the class awkwardly. I hate being awkward. 

How did this exactly work again? Do I just wait for the teacher to come so she can introduce me?

"Hey, did you hear? There's suppose to be a new student for our class!"

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