Auntie Anne's😋

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I was just sitting down enjoying my warm cinnamon sugar pretzels and the fact I had avoided the guy from last night, when...

"Hey beautiful," I heard recognizing the heartwarmingly deep but smooth voice I looked up before he continued, "I never did get your name, you know."

He was a fine piece of meat, but I had to remind myself that I didn't have time for men and that I wanted to make something of myself before I replied.

"That's cause I got what I wanted from you and vice versa, wasn't a need for names."

"Damn, baby girl it's like that?" He asked putting his hand over his heart like he was hurt. Before I could answer he continued, "How bout I take you back to my place after I tell you my name so when I'm deep in them guts again you know whose name to scream.., or we can just chill if you want."

Looking at him surprised but at the same turned on, I got up to leave cause I just couldn't. He gently grabbed my wrist, "I don't bite, at less not unless you ask me to." He grinned.

I'd be crazy to pass up on some bomb ass dick.

I gave him a look, "You do realize that I drove here right?"

He shrugged nonchalantly. "I can get one of my niggas to drop it over mines for you, that's no problem."

"So I'm just supposed to leave my car in your hands, how I'm supposed to know your friend not gone run off with my car and you not trynna kidnap me?"

"You right, how 'bout you put your number in my phone, I'll send you my address and when you ready come over," he told me, handing me his phone.

I put my number in his phone and called it before I handed it back to him.

"...Ayonahh?" He asked clearly not sure if he said it right.

"Oh look and you're a genius you got it right on your first try," I said sarcastically before I started walking away, "See ya," I said over my shoulder.

Going to "Valai", I showed them my ID so they could gather my shopping bags for me while I went and pulled my car up before popping the trunk open. When I was all set I tipped the guy before getting in my car and making my way home.

Back at my apartment, I freshened up and put all of my newly bought things away before I went to the kitchen to fix something to eat.


"...See ya," Her honey-like voice sang as she walked off; all I could do was stare at her ass.

Sheeeeeesh, I hope she keep that dress on when she comes over cause that shit was moving in that dress, bless her parents.

I made my way back to Champs so I could get a few new shoes for my closet after I sent her my address.

"Day, what the fuck was that?" asked Kenny when I joined them in the store.

"What you mean, I told you shorty already mine, that simple. Y'all niggas been chasing tail all day, you'll live," I told him.

"How you gone say she yours and she walked smooth past you," asked Kenny.

"Yo Kenny chill out with that, it ain't ya business," nigga was really bugging.

Keem hopped in "Kenny just mad cause all he ever gone be able to get is numbers and ass he has to pay for."

All three of us started cracking up-- except for Kenny of course.

"Aye shut up that only happened once and I ain't even know she was selling pussy," he said all defensive lowering his voice.

"So you thought that sexy ass woman came up to you cause she thought you was cute or balling come on, you know betta," said Ronnie. "She let you hit cause she knew you don't ever get any."

We was all cracking up, this was always the issue with Ronnie and Kenny, they were brothers so going back and forth was a given with them and so was Ronnie being the one to start it as the oldest.

Holding my hands in the air and putting a serious face on I said, "Look mayne, I never doubted you..."

He almost looked relieved until, "..Yea we never thought you'd start paying for it," finished Ronnie, making Kenny frown before we all busted out dying laughing.

"Fuck y'all," Kenny told us before walking off.

In unison, we all said, "Kenny we just fuckin' witcho crybaby ass." As if we'd rehearsed it.

We continued shopping for shoes until everyone got what they wanted. "Ight, I'm heading home, deuces," I told them dipping since they were planning on staying at the mall for a while longer.

Might've also had to do with a certain darkskin but...

Couple hours later I was at home taking a shower when I'd heard the doorbell ring.

Turning towards the shower panel, I tapped away a couple times before Ayona popped up on the screen so I hit unlock opening the door for her. She looked confused and instead of walking in she took a step back.

To reassure her I used the intercom to invite her in.

"You can come in. I'm in the shower, but I'll be down in a minute and lock the door behind you when you come in," she still looked a little suspicious but she walked in any way.

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