"Come with me" Normani says getting up and tugging Camila along until they get to a closed off area on campus. 

"What are" Camila starts but shuts up when she sees Normani take out her phone. 

"Lo, hey, yeah everything is fine but there is someone who wants to talk to you" Normani says then passes the phone to the younger girl. 

"Normani, I don't have ti" and as Lauren says that Camila talks 

"Hi Lo" the younger girl says in almost a whisper.

"Camila, h-hi" Lauren says stunned to hear the girl's voice. 

"I'm sorry Normani called you while you are busy but um" Camila says 

"No, no I'm not busy. I got some time what's going on?" Lauren asks 

"I just wanted to talk with you. I haven't heard from you in 2 days" Camila says not paying attention to Normani at all. 

"I'm sorry sweets, It's just with my uncle is in town and everything gets crazy. How are you?" Lauren states 

"I'm alright" Camila answers 

"Camila you don't sound alright. What's going on?" Lauren asks 

"Um do you want me telling you this over the phone?" Camila questions 

"I'm listening" Lauren replies 

"I miss you" Camila states and Lauren's heart sky rockets 

"When is your next break?" Lauren asks 

"Um I actually finished my classes for today" Camila responds 

"Alright, I'll be at the Campus dorms in 20 minutes to pick you up" Lauren says 

"Are you sure?" Camila asks 

"I'm positive. Now can you put Normani back on the phone" Lauren request 

"Sure" Camila answers 

"Oh and Camila, I miss you too" Lauren says 

" AWW Isn't that sweet" Normani says after getting the phone from a blushing Camila 

"Shut up and listen, Stay with Camila until I get there. I told her I'll be 20 minutes but It will probably be 15. I just need to get Uncle Mika to let me off training hours" Lauren states 

"Oh good luck with that, But I'll keep your girl company until you get here" Normani replies 

"Normani" Lauren warns 

"Alright, alright" Normani responds knowing that Lauren means business

"Talk to you later then" Lauren says then hangs up

"Soo?" Camila says looking at Normani 

"Come on Mila we are hanging out until Lauren gets here" Normani states walking back to the quad with the younger girl. 


"Uncle Mika, Can I please get a break or something, It's been 2 days" Lauren says leaning on the kitchen counter while her uncle grabs two bottles of water. 

"Lauren you know that.." Mika starts 

"I know, I know every second counts but you see there's this girl, and I really like her and it's been 2 days since I last saw here" Lauren states 

"A girl huh?" Mika questions 

"Yeah a girl a really pretty girl. She's really smart too. and I know she likes me back, but me being here isn't helping with trying to see where things might go" Lauren responds 

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