Sooner than expected.

Start from the beginning

"How many siblings does Dinah have any way?" Camila asks 

"TOO MANY TO COUNT" Becky and Normani say at the same time making them both laugh 

"That many huh?" Camila says smiling 

"Well, from what I know there are 2 sets of twins, Gina, Seth, Brandon, and doesn't she have an older sister babe?" Becky asks 

"No Dinah is the oldest of 8, and well they can form an actual sports team" Normani corrects 

"That is true, remember the flag football game and Dinah had to bring all of them with her?" Becky says 

"Don't remind me the younger ones almost left me broke" Normani says letting out a sigh 

"They are that bad?" Camila asks 

"No they are worse" Normani replies turning on the street that gets them to Campus 

"Mani is being dramatic, the younger ones just like making Mani's life a living hell. They are perfect angels." Becky responds 

"Yeah alright they only like you because you get mad at me for putting them in their place." Mani argues with a smile

"They are kids they are going to act up babe. Plus I hope that in the future if we have kids you would not act like you do with them" Becky counters 

"If it's our kids they will be perfect. Now ladies I do believe we have arrived. I would walk you to your dorm room door, but as you can see I have a family meeting to get to" Normani says with a smile 

"You are fine Mani and thank you for the ride. Tell Lauren to text me when you guys finish alright?" Camila says getting out of the car 

"Will do mila. As for you miss Becky. I'll call you once I'm done with everything okay?" Normani says looking at her girlfriend 

"You better" Becky says leaning in to her girlfriend. 

"I promise. I love you" Normani says 

"I love you too." Becky says giving her a small kiss then getting out of the car and standing next to a waiting Camila. 

"Night girls" Normani calls out from the lowered Window then drives off towards her best friend's house


"Where is Normani?" Mr. Hamilton asks when the three girls walk into the house

"She is on her way. She had to drop off a classmate" Lauren answers 

"She better, that uncle of yours does not look happy" Mr. Hamilton says looking at the three girls making Ally and Dinah shiver in fear

"Lauren is that you sweetheart" Her Mother says 

"Yes Mother, I'm here. Dad said there is a family meeting and Uncle Mika is here" Lauren says walking towards her mother and giving her a quick hug

"That's right, But come on we are all in the Living room" Clara says walking her daughter further into the house and leading her to where her father and uncle were. 

"Ah Lauren, My favorite niece" Her uncle Says when he sees her walk in 

"Uncle Mika" Lauren greets with a small head nod 

"Now is that any way to greet your uncle come and give me a hug" He says opening his arms and like a well educated child Lauren does as told 

"Perfect, I see Allison and Dinah are here as well, Were is dear Normani?" Mika asks 

"She is running a bit late, There were somethings she had to take care of at the university, She is on her way now" Lauren responds in a well mannered tone 

"Ah yes, Always on top of your studies that is good. See If some of the super naturals the were growing up in my day focused on that instead of they powers we would have less issues" Mika replies looking around at the adults in the room

"So uncle What brings you here a day early?" Clara asks

"Right, I forgot I have news that could not wait any longer" Mika states 

"Are we in any danger?" Mr. Hamilton asks 

"Oh no, no. there is no Danger. There is actually great news" Mika states with a smile

"Really? What kind of news?" Mr. Hernandez questions 

"As you all know and I am sure the children have heard while growing up, About 21 years ago I lost my dear wife and our unborn child. However, recently I was informed that my child is actually alive." Mika informs causing everyones eyes to widen 

"You mean there is a hybrid princess?" Normani's mom asks 

"That is correct Andrea, My little girl survived. Unfortunately I do not know exactly where she is but I do hope to find her. I am not getting any younger even though we all know I have the ability to live forever, I choose to live as humanly as possible and I want to make sure that before I am no longer here I can find her and show her everything she is." Mika explains 

"But If she is alive doesn't that mean that Lauren no longer has claim to your title?" Dinah asks 

"Lauren holds her own title that surpasses all of us. My daughter will not endanger that. What I would like is for the 4 most powerful families in magic to help me find her" Mika request 

"Wait you want us to find your daughter?" Michael asks 

"Yeah Michael, That is all I ask. I know that theses 4 families create the most powerful coven and you are the only ones who can find her. I am hoping that when that happens Lauren here can assist me with teaching her how to be a leader and also control the powers she holds within." Mika replies 

"Uncle Mika, I would be honored to help you do that" Lauren says speaking for the first time causing all the adults to look at the eldest legacy with astonishment

"Us too. If anything she is our age and what ever Lauren does we follow" Ally says after stepping up with Dinah

"Girls" Gordon says in a warning tone

"Gordon, I believe they have made their choice." Micheal says seeing the serious facial expression that Lauren has. 

"Thank you girls, Now Micheal will you help me with finding my daughter?" Mika asks 

"Mika you are family and if Lauren here is willing to take on a challenge such as this I think we will too. Now I can not promise finding her by tomorrow but I can do some digging and find what we need to locate her with our powers" Micheal says 

"Thank you son, Now on to other business, Lauren's assertion day" Mika states 

"Do we really have to talk about this?" Lauren asks 

"We do mija, That day you won't just be receiving your full with powers but also receive the full abilities of a hybrid. You turn 22 in a month and 10 days we need to make sure that the ceremony is done properly. I know for a fact that if we do not do it properly your grandmother will come back from the dead and kill me" Mika says 

"He is right Lauren we do need to talk about the ceremony. This isn't just about the witch rituals but the hybrid rituals that need to be done properly. Remember you are the only tri-brid in the last 3 centuries. We have to make sure everything is done with no mistakes." Clara states 

"Fine. Where do we start?" Lauren says giving in

"Evaluation" Mika says 

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