Chapter nine: Godric

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Draco had been unable to visit Godric's Hollow because of his health as Molly had put it when she appeared at the Weasley's shop two months ago and had nearly keeled over at his appearance. She made him swear not to leave on his search until he was healthy, because what good would he be if he was too weak from hunger to help Asteria. He had sworn and stayed with the Weasley Twins, and only left at night to use his imprisonment spell on snatchers, signing his name on their chest, dropping their bodies in random spots and whispering Voldemort's name, so they wouldn't die from the cold. He continued to gather information, which was only useful for the radio broadcast that he had been dragged into, being dubbed as Ferret, despite his displeasure. The information he gathered from the snatchers had been used to supply the public with information on where to avoid, where to hide, where one could seek shelter, food, or healing. And he felt useful doing it and proud of himself. 

Currently, he was walking up to Bill and Fleur's seaside cottage, because the rumor was Weasley was there. Upon entering the house, he was shocked to see Ronald sitting at the counter looking pissed. He seemed to have grown a few more inches, but his clothes were dirty and old, and he looked tired as he rested his head on his arms, as Bill berated him. 

"So things got rough, and Weasley ran?" Draco spoke up, drawing everyone's attention, and Ron winced. 

"That isn't..."The wizard began, but Draco held up his hand. 

"Bullocks. Every time something doesn't go as planned, you cut and run. You did it in our fourth year when Harry needed you, and you've done it again, abandoning both Harry and Hermione." Draco spoke, stepping closer. "Now, you sit here, acting like someone we should all pity, but that's not how this works."

"You don't understand! You aren't out there! You aren't doing anything!" Ron shouted, and was slammed against the glass of the door, but not by Draco, but by Bill.

"Draco has been out there, he has been risking his life, gathering information for the Order, he has put his sanity at risk to dispose of Death Eaters and Snatchers so they can't chase after you three. He's been searching nonstop for his sister, since my wedding." Bill yelled at Ron's face. "He's shown more bravery than you have and he is a fucking Slytherin." Bill finished, dropping Ron, who slid bonelessly to the floor. 

"I didn't know," Ron whispered, and Draco knelt in front of him. 

"How could you have? You have always been fast to pass judgment on others, Ronald." Draco replied, his voice leveled. "I've sacrificed everything I have ever known for Harry and my sister. I sacrificed my entire existence to help the Order in this war. And I will continue to do so. But you, Ronald, need to figure out where your loyalties lie. Because everyone else is willing to fight and sacrifice, but you. Apparently." Draco finished, pulling out a piece of parchment and handed it to Bill. 

"The next 7 days of passwords." Draco supplied, and glanced down at Ron. "I'm quite disappointed that the Gryffindor has shown nothing but Slytherin cowardice." He spoke with annoyance and let the house, his body tired from standing there tense, but couldn't believe Ron had just abandoned them when things got a little tough. It was war, everything was tough. He couldn't believe the nerve of the Weasel. Draco apparated to the Twin's flat and slammed a fist into the brick wall, breaking the skin and shocking George. 

"Alright there, Malfoy?" He asked, trying to sound nonchalant. 

"Your idiot brother Ronald has run away from Harry and Hermione abandoning them in their mission," Draco muttered under his breath as he flinched, flexing his hand and walking to the sink. 

"He did what?!" 

"George, please, I'd rather not repeat myself."

"I can't believe he did that. That-That bloody Weasel!" He snapped and paused. Draco glanced at him, taking in the shocked look on the redheads face and started to laugh as water ran over his bleeding hand, doubling over as George followed close behind. 

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