Chapter one: living

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Draco Malfoy stares into the embers of the fireplace. His spot on the couch at the Weasley's house had offered him little comfort. But it didn't stop his thoughts from wondering; the summer had been near debilitating. Harry has been sent back to his muggle house, and Draco had been stuck staying with the Weasley family. Mrs. Weasley, had taken to watching him closely, making sure he didn't run off recklessly, not that he would. Recklessness wasn't a Slytherin trait, but she knew he was planning something. It wasn't just him, though. Harry, Granger and Weasley were as well. He knew their plans, and had willingly not inserted himself in them, he had to find out what happened to his sister. A part of him hoped she was dead, saving her from endless torture, but the other part knew she was alive, Lucius wouldn't kill his child so quickly, but it had been nearly three months since she had been taken. Draco let out a breath, and looked up seeing Ginny standing at the entrance of the living room, Molly Weasley bustling in the kitchen to distract herself. The house was empty except for them, everyone going to retrieve Harry.

"You okay, Malfoy?" Ginny asked in her knowing voice. There had always been something about the youngest Weasley that spoke to Draco, she had already experienced so much, and she was so brave as she always stood with her head held high.

"As okay as I can be," He responded, and she nodded in response.

"He'll be okay, they won't let anything happen to him." Ginny supplied, but the sentiment didn't reach her eyes, she knew as well as he did, the dangers her own family was taking.

"He's stubborn enough to survive as it is, as they all are."

"That's not all that's on your mind though, is it?" There it was, the reason he avoided Ginny, she was observant and intelligent beyond her years, and Draco could only cock his head at her.

"She'll be okay too. She's stronger then all of us combined." Ginny finished, uncrossing her arms and shoving her hands into her front pockets. Draco couldn't help but notice how much she had grown since he had first seen her in that book store, but he banished the thoughts, knowing better than to dwell on the things that had harmed her.

"Maybe." Was all Draco could say as something sounded outside, the sound of a portkey. Draco jumped to his feet and both him and Ginny rushes outside, Draco holding his wand tightly in his hands. But he froze at the sight, Hagrid looked tired, but right behind him appeared the person Draco needed to see. They rushed each other and Draco wrapped Harry in his arms.

"You're okay." Draco whispered against Harry's neck as he let out a breath. Harry pulled back, pressing a deep kiss to Draco, before releasing him. Harry barely had a chance as Molly rushed forward and pulled him into a hard hug.

"Inside, all of you." She muttered, ushering them in and handing out cups of hot chocolate. When the noises hit again, and Remus came in carrying on of the twins, sitting him down, Remus spun, and nearly body slammed Harry into the fireplace.

"The hell, Lupin?" Draco shouted, and tried to reach for Harry.

"What sat at the floor of my office at Hogwarts?"

"Remus.." Molly pleases as she paused in her fussing over George.

"Answer me, Harry."

"Grindlelows." Harry growled and Remus was quick, rounding on Draco, wand drawn.

"When you served detention with me, what did I make you do?"

"Sod off, Lupin." Draco responded, giving out a malice aura.

"Answer me, Malfoy."

"Bloody hell, you had me scrubbing under desk." Draco replied, before shoving Remus out of his face, and going to Harry helping him back to his feet.

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