Chapter 1: Part 4

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~Michael's POV~

I feel sorry for Calum, he knows that me and Luke both like Jess. Luke doesn't know that I still like her, neither does Ash but they know me and her had a fling It was like a small fling ...she liked me I liked her but I was scared to lose her so we didn't go any further than the odd kiss, cuddle and the special moments, as we called them. We both wanted a relationship but I was to chicken to do anything about it. Luke is a good friend and me and him agreed never to fall out over a girl and we never will, hopefully. She's all I ever think about. Luke did the right thing to ask if he could go for it but she started going out with that Sam person. I don't know why, I think she said he was an old ex that wanted to be apart of her life again...well there is only one thing for that...bullsh*t he hasn't done anything for her. He just expects her to be there when he needs her to be. My thoughts take me away sometimes, I didn't even know Luke was staring me.

Luke: You all right mate?

Mic: Yeah thanks just got stuff on my mind that's all.

Luke: Okay well if you need to talk.

~Ashton's POV~

Everyone is acting weird today... I can't put my finger on it.

Ash: We just have to wait for Jess to pick up Carrie then we'll be able to do what guys do.

Jess walks through the door and I notice Michael and Luke stop looking at their phones as soon as she does.

Jess: Ash is Carrie ready?Ash?

Ash: Oh sorry yeah she is upstairs.

Jess: Okay thanks...CARRIE! Ash she is going to need help with her bags ya know?

Ash: Okay foghorn, coming now!

Luke&Mic: I'll help too..I mean we'll help too.

Cal: I guess I have to too?

Jess: No that is quite all right boys, thanks for the offer but I just need Ash for this.

God why are they acting like this today!

~Jess's POV~

Ash: You do find it weird don't you?

Jess: Find what weird?

Ash: Luke and Michael?

Jess: They are always like that though messing around.

Ash: Hmmm...

God he is worked up about something. When me and Ashton get upstairs we both look at Carrie, and stop.

Car: What do you think?

She says blushing.

She looks beautiful with a frilly red dress on, hair curled and little red pumps on with bows on.

Ash: There won't be any boys right?

Carrie: Well yes up until half 7, then the sleepover.

Ash: Why for three days?

Car: Melissa has a lot planned for us.

Ash: I bet she does the little sl....

Jess: That's enough Ash, you look beautiful little car, ready to go?

Car: Yes let's go!

Me and Ash carry all her bags into the car and Ash decides he wants to come too.

Jess: No this just has to be a girl thing ok?

Ash: Okay but if any boys try anything, phone me not Jess, straight away.

Jess: Trust me I deal with more kn*bs than he does excuse my french.


We arrive at the house, it is huge. Carrie rushes out the car straight away to grab her bags and I get out to help her.

Car: Erm you don't need to help me you know?

Jess: Don't you think I know that trick...look it would be a bit different if I was mum or dad but I'm not. I'm your older sister and plus Ash would kill me if I didn't see what boys were there.

So I help her carry her bags in the house, and Melissa's dad walks up to me and takes them off me. He told me the plans about what they will be doing and the times to be picked up. I give my lil' sis a hug and say bye and head back to Chloe's.

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