Stiles stayed silent, too scared to tell Argent the truth. Brooke took a deep breath, "Your sister."


"I'll meet you there," Brooke said as the three teens walked out of the hospital.

"Wait, what?" Stiles asked. Jackson looked at her in confusion as well.

"I can run faster than you can drive, Stiles," she said. She could tell he was about to argue, so she kept talking. "I don't have time to argue Stiles. Scott and Derek are in danger, okay? Just... find a weapon and meet me there."

"Okay," Stiles said, surprising not only Brooke but himself as well. Brooke squeezed his hand thankfully, and reached up to kiss the corner of his mouth.

"Stay safe," she said to them before turning and disappearing into the darkness.

Brooke ran faster than she ever had before, her legs burning and lungs filling with air way too quickly. She quickly reached the edge of the preserve and pushed herself to go faster. She ran through the trees, ignoring the edges of branches that scratched her, knowing she'd heal within seconds. It was only a few minutes later that she arrived at the Hale House. Derek and Scott were limping away from the house, moving at a slow but steady pace.

"Derek!" Brooke called, quickly closing the distance between them and wrapping herself around him in a tight hug. He hugged her back briefly and then pulled away, pulling out leaves that had gotten stuck in her hair.

He didn't get a chance to say anything, an arrow flying in between them and hitting him in the chest. Brooke let out a shriek and took a step back, trying to find the source. Another arrow quickly came flying, this time striking Derek in the leg.

"Flash bolt," she heard a woman's voice say. She quickly ducked, covering her eyes as she fell onto Derek's body. Once the arrow had exploded, Brooke quickly pulled the arrows out of Derek's body, and pulled him up.

"Come on, Scott," she said, racing towards the younger werewolf with Derek's arm wrapped around her shoulder. She pulled them towards the Hale house, but ended up collapsing with both of their weights on her. She pushed Scott further as Derek fell to the ground. "Scott, go!"

She flipped Derek over, pressing her hands on his wounds and doing her best to heal him. Allison walked right past them and closer to Scott, making Brooke do a double take as to who it actually was.

"I don't believe you," Allison said to Scott.

"Allison, he's telling the truth," Brooke said from her crouched position. She had successfully healed one of Derek's wounds and was waiting for her own to heal before moving on.

Allison let out a laugh. "How am I supposed to trust you, Brooke? You knew about this the whole time and didn't say anything."

Brooke gulped. "It wasn't my secret to tell."

Allison didn't respond, she just looked over again at Scott.

"Now shoot him," Kate Argent said she strutted over. "Before I have to shoot him myself."

"You said we were just going to catch them," Allison said, clearly uncomfortable.

"We did that," Kate said. "Now we're gonna kill them."

Kate raised her gun and shot Derek in the stomach, making Brooke let out a yelp. She stood to attack Kate, but the huntress raised the end of her gun and knocked Brooke across the head in one swift movement.

"See? Not that hard," Kate said. Allison let out a small scream at both actions. Brooke fell back against the ground, bringing a hand to her bleeding head. Kate pushed Allison back, causing her to fall next to Brooke. Kate trained her gun on Scott. "I do love those brown eyes."

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