"I mean you are but you're also making question certain things too" Camila says 

"What kind of questions?" Lauren asks 

"Well first off, how did your dad become part of the counsel? or how about your mom. It's a lot of things" Camila says 

"okay, to answer the first one, My family our one of the founding Families of this town. Along with Normani's, Ally's and Dinah's. I would have thought Becky told you all this, since she loves bragging about dating one of the town founders relatives" Lauren says with a chuckle 

"I mean she said your families were important, I just didn't realize they were this important" Camila responds 

"Fair enough, to answer your second question, my mother runs a realty business. She mostly works from home now because she's uh, taken care of my grandfather but from time to time she comes into the main square to take care of things" Lauren answers the second question that was asked earlier 

"I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather, Is that why you continue to live at home with them? I mean Becky said that is where you live" Camila says 

"Yeah I do live with my parents still. And me staying there kind of is because of my grandfather but also for my mom. It's a pretty big house and sometimes she gets lonely. I like being there for her" Lauren replies 

"Wow you really are one of a kind Lauren" Camila says truth fully

"Yeah, I get that a lot. But how about you, what about your parents?" Lauren asks 

"My parents, um let's see, my dad is a construction working. My mom she um she's an architect. I have a little sister names Sofia and that's about it" Camila responds 

"How old is your little sister?" Lauren asks 

"She'll be 10 in April" Camila replies 

"I'm an only child, well kind of. I had two younger siblings but they aren't here any more" Lauren admits 

"I'm sorry to hear that Lo, What were their names?" Camila asks 

"Taylor and Chris. There was a fire and um they didn't make it." Lauren states 

"I'm adopted" Camila says out of the blue

"What?" Lauren asks confused 

"I found out earlier this year while I was at my old school, that's what caused the panic attack. I had done that 23 and Me DNA thing to find out more about the family, when I got my results back I called my mom so she could tell me more about where the family came from and I got excited because it meant that Sofi and me had that same ancestral linage, but my mom dropped that bomb on me and I just shut down." Camila admits 

"So you changed schools to get away from them?" Lauren asks 

"Actually, I changed schools not just for the writing program but because I also found out that I was born here." Camila responds 

"Wait seriously?" Lauren asks 

"I know, I was shocked too. I want to know more about myself and I think being here will help me with that. I just don't know where to start" Camila admits 

"Did your mom give you any information on the documents from the adoption?" Lauren asks 

"All she told me was that I had to look into my birth name, Karla" Camila answers 

"Well that is better than nothing. What have you been able to find out?" Lauren questions 

"Not much. Everything I end up finding is a dead end" Camila responds

"Maybe I can help. I mean with my dad being part of the counsel He does get some access to certain documents in this town. What is your birth date?" Lauren says 

"It's uh March, 3rd, 1997" Camila answers 

"Great you are a few months older than Dinah yet smarter than her since you are a Junior in Collage" Lauren says smiling 


"Micheal, what are you doing here?" The older woman asks 

"I need to speak to your father" The man says 

"You know that he can not speak much" The woman states 

"I know dear but this is important" Micheal says 

"How important?" The woman asks 

"It can determine our daughter's future" Micheal says 

"He's up stairs in his room" The woman replies 

"Ah Micheal Jauregui, I was waiting for you. Took you long enough" The old man says from his bed 

"Cut the crap old man, And tell me the truth,  what is it that you know" Micheal states 

"The Alpha's child is back" the old man answers 

"I thought you were the alpha?" Micheal says 

"I am the Wolf alpha, who married the hybrid Alpha's sister. But now The Hybrid Alpha's child has returned." The old man explains 

"What does this mean for Lauren?" Micheal asks 

"Lauren is safe. Remember she is still family on both sides. To the hybrid alpha and to my pack. Although she still had to choose where she wants to stay she still had protection. Being a Witch, and a hybrid is one of the rarest things we have seen but because of her birth those 22 years ago she has created an un breakable agreement between us all. You know this better than me Micheal, Lauren will not be dethroned from her position. With the Return of the Hybrid Princess it will only cause certain questions since we don't know what that child has  chosen" The elder says 

"So Lauren is safe?" Micheal asks 

"Yes Lauren is Safe. Her uncle knows that she is the future for us all." The old man states 

"Alright" Micheal says letting out a breath and standing up

"Although I must warn, if Lauren and the Hybrid heir do cross paths we might deal with certain issues" The older man warns 

"Issues like what?" Micheal asks 

"Let's just say that we do not want those two ever coming in contact with each other" The older man says


A/N: Hello everyone. Well I thought I should up date this hidden gem since I think I can go very far with the ideas I have for it. Also I bet you didn't see the two revelations in these last 2 chapters. Any way enjoy and I'll see you all next time. 

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